Parallax WiFi,What has happened now!
Any insider info on the Parallax WiFi module?
Where is it in production? ((Please leak me some info)Parallax staff))
I got all excited about production and now nothing. Not a peep about the new module.
We are all chopping at the bit for this WiFi Module.
Whats Up ???!!!
Where is it in production? ((Please leak me some info)Parallax staff))
I got all excited about production and now nothing. Not a peep about the new module.
We are all chopping at the bit for this WiFi Module.
Whats Up ???!!!
I'll look into it tomorrow
Seriously - we are *slammed* here - all good stuff in the pipeline, same sized staff - never enough time.
I will tell you that we have a really hot project/product that will be announced at Maker Faire in September that has sucked away a substantial amount of our Engineering Staffs' time.
Stop it Matt G! This is no time to make excuses!
I will eagerly await your WiFi update!
Me too!
Hey all-
Never even saw the Main Man on this project today - both of us were buried. I did send him an email a little bit ago, and he should get back to you soon...
I apologize, we're just slammed (but in a good way) - but it's no excuse, and we do appreciate your patience (wearing thin I know!), but it is appreciated!
As Matt mentioned (but could not give details) a couple of us are currently working on a really-quick-turn secret project. The project timeline is super aggressive and we sort of had to pause WiFi to put 190% of our effort toward this other project to meet certain deadline requirements. The good news is that because of the short timeline we should be getting back to WiFi in just a couple weeks; the bad news is that it's basically on 'pause' until then.
I truly apologize for the additional delay on top of an already long-term project. But there was only a brief window of opportunity for us to bust out this other project and it has some very strong potential, so we had seize the opportunity!
-Kevin McCullough
P.S. By 190% I not trying to exaggerate; so far I've worked 15.4 hours on average per day this week (which is 193% of 8 hours). So when Matt says "slammed" I think he may be putting it lightly. Is it Saturday yet? ;-)
For the feed back.
P.S. Where I work in the Power Industry.
8 = 33.333% ....(1/3 of a day) = 2/3 of a day off
12 hr = 50%...........(1/2 of a day) = 1/2 of a day off
24 hr = 100%......... (a whole day) = a days work
Great Guess!
Despite the fact that the product is still two weeks out, and nobody knows what it is, people are camping in the parking lot and adjacent grounds and, seemingly, won't be moved until their Parallax new-product lust has been satisfied. In a spirit of generosity, which has become Parallax's hallmark over the years, Mr. Gracey has set up barbecue pits and portable outhouses to accommodate the gathering crowd of hopeful customers. Said Mr. Gracey, "The loyalty and well-being of our customers is paramount to our success. How could we do any less for these wonderful people?" How, indeed? Big corporations could learn a lesson from Parallax, a Rocklin -- and national -- success story.
What a great success story about an American company! How motivational!
Will you be camping in the parking lot, too? Regular updates would be great! Maybe even Gracey sightings! This is just too much!
MaddieTheIntern and I are ROFLOL!
I don't know what it is, either. In an exhibition of true mob mentality, I don't even CARE what it is! I am not even sure why I'm in the car, heading west. Maybe I should have taken some food and money . . . no, The Gracey will have some when I get there.
First Ken grills up some awesome BBQ chicken.
Then I bump into Robert Plant and Jimmy Page.They said Ken requested LED ZEPPELIN to play for some evening entertainment to keep the crowd happy!
P.S. John P. Jones told me he thinks the top secret project is a wire-less Prop based special effects peddle for a BASS guitar/amp using WiFi
'round here the Parallax Chefs (for picnics and company bbq's are Mark (whose our Kitting department manager) and Dave (one our tech support experts extraordinaire).
Truth be known (at least from my experience) - I don't think Ken can cook at all...
'course, if it were left to me, we'd be having cold berries, so I'm not one to talk!
Will it be available in white, or will that be an aftermarket opportunity for Gadget Gangster?
I have Jimmy,Robert,and John on top of my RV.(Parked here in the Parallax parking lot)
Jason is around here some were.(I think he's back at the grill for more chicken)
They'd like to get some autograph's from the Parallax staff too...
Robert told me he really came for the WiFi module. Jimmy said he really wanted WiFi too.
Ahhh... I see that you have overcome my Jedi mind tricks. I see the force is strong with you young William- I shall have to take this up with the Jedi Council at once!
Matt, saying that there's anything Ken or Chip can't do is really close to heresy...
After all, all you ned to do is get a Propeller Protoboard, a thermocouple, a servomotor with a loooong shaft, and probably some sort of speaker. Hook it all up to a grill and you have a system that not only rotates the chickens on spits, but keeps track of the temperature and warns you when the chicken is ready, or possibly needs more sauce.
Ah ha!
So THAT is the secret 'hot' project!
The DS2760 (TC reader) returns and its mounted on the WiFi module.What a great idea!!!!!!
I wonder how it dispenses the BBQ sauce?