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Put a friendly business card in with the quickstart box — Parallax Forums

Put a friendly business card in with the quickstart box

TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
edited 2011-08-11 10:07 in General Discussion
On my desk when I arrived today were 2 QuickStarts and 1 Attiny20 eval board. Last week someone gave me a UNO. There are many similarities between these evaluation boards. Here's what I think Parallax should do to better engage with all the new clients

1) Put a thankyou card in the top of the Quickstart box. Looks like some business cards 84~86mm fit perfectly and are very cheap to print at high quality. Thank the customer for their purchase, remind them of the key points of difference between the P8x32A and other micros, give the contact details (again!) for Parallax Semi, links other useful resources, and sign it with something personable. It could be Ken's signature, or "The Parallax Team" or similar, depending on how many new friends Ken wants to make.

2) On the back of the business card put photos of other QuickStart compatible products that might be of interest. I believe there is a proto board, maybe xbee,

3) On the back, or on a second card, put a quick overview of the available software tools, obex category headings with their nice logos. Make sure they know there is at least way to program it using standard tools ('C', ASM, Basic), as well as neat alternatives (Spin, 12blocks, ... )

4) If an FAE is involved, put their business card in too.

The reasons why this is a good idea (or not)
* You have their full attention as they open the box. Best to make them feel good and supported about their purchase
* People will generally notice all the information on the card. Even if they go and study the hardware, chances are the next thing they will do afterwards is look over the included card(s).
* They may never bother to go to the website link. Its a long URL to type. If they go there, they may suffer information overload. A business card has a contained 'nibble' of key information, and they will generally note all that information.
* Business cards go into important filing systems, contact databases. They get handed to bosses and colleagues. They are cheap.
* Parallax, in my experience are a warm, welcoming company to deal with. The forums are welcoming and staff are accessible. Evaluating hardware can be a lonely, cold experience. Best to make absolutely sure they feel fully supported in their (very wise) decision to look at the Propeller.


  • Jen J.Jen J. Posts: 649
    edited 2011-08-11 10:07
    Thank you for the suggestions!
    We are taking them into consideration.

    Cheers, Jen J.
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