Parallax's New Swimwear Line?

Hey, it never hurts to broaden your product portfolio:
Apparently, a male version was also prototyped, but it produced less than half the current.
Apparently, a male version was also prototyped, but it produced less than half the current.
You are, of course, referring to the solar cells and not the model.......... silicon vs silicone
Oh, never crossed my mind. Not even for a moment.
Yes, very sad. But I provide hope for those models. For the girls in question, I suggest they use the new transparent photoconductive silicone oil I'm developing now. Unfortunately, because it's still in the prototype stage, it must be applied very slowly by hand. But, always the dedicated scientist, I am willing to make sacrifices of this sort.
(Insert cheeky smile here).... Of course. All is permissible in the name of science:)
Now they're cool and cost a bundle. All it took was models and marketing by the merchants of cool. Watch for Lady Gaga wearing a solar powered bikini in her next video and they'll fly off the shelves.
now THAT is a Geek pin up .
This is WIN on SO many levels ....... the EET and costumer is just dieing here
I wonder how nmany watts a One peace puts out .............
* Ohhh ladys I have a Ideaaaaa *