SD program problem C3
I am running into a problem with displaying the directory of the microSD card. I have a 4GB microSD card inserted, the program says it mounted the card, but it is not displaying the two *.txt files that are there. So, I am not sure as to what is going on, I reformatted the SD card to just FAT, not FAT32.
I would appreciate if somebody would look at the program and see if I missed a step, or I have some other obvious error.
I would appreciate if somebody would look at the program and see if I missed a step, or I have some other obvious error.
' C3_base.spin CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 STATUS_LED_BUS_MUX = 16 CR = 13 LF = 10 spiCnt = 8 spiDI = 9 spiDO = 10 spiClk = 11 spiSel = 5 spiClr = 25 max_mount_time = 30 OBJ term : "Ext_FDSerial" misc : "tools" fsrw : "db_c3_fsrwFemto" VAR BYTE Bytearray[15] long ioControl[2] byte tbuf[14] PUB Start | sds, n ''''' Blink status of C3 '''''''''''''' DIRA[STATUS_LED_BUS_MUX] := 1 OUTA[STATUS_LED_BUS_MUX] := 0 repeat 3 OUTA[STATUS_LED_BUS_MUX] := 1 misc.waitMS(500) OUTA[STATUS_LED_BUS_MUX] := 0 misc.waitMS(500) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''' C3 port B '''''''''''''''Rx Tx '' '''' Start serial port on pins 22,23 '' misc.waitMS(250) term.Start(22,23,0,115200) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''' Start the SD driver ''''''''''''' fsrw.start(@ioControl) misc.waitMS(250) repeat n from 0 to max_mount_time sds := \fsrw.mount(spiSel,spiClr,spiCnt,spiDI,spiDO,spiClk) if sds > -1 quit if sds < 0 term.str(string("SD is mounted.",CR,LF)) else term.str(string("SD is NOT mounted.",CR,LF)) fsrw.opendir repeat while fsrw.nextfile(@tbuf) == 0 term.str(@tbuf) term.tx(CR) term.tx(LF) if fsrw.nextfile(@tbuf) == -1 term.str(string("No files found",CR,LF)) Main PUB Main | new_byte repeat new_byte:= term.rx if new_byte == CR ' Hit CR to make terminal live term.str(string("This is the C3 basic setup",CR,LF)) repeat term.str(string(">")) repeat term.rxstr(@Bytearray) while Bytearray == -1 if strcomp(@Bytearray,@lite1on) LED1on elseif strcomp(@Bytearray,@lite1off) LED1off else term.str(string("No such command",CR,LF)) PUB LED1on misc.high(19) PUB LED1off misc.low(19) DAT lite1on byte "lite1on",0 lite1off byte "lite1off",0
did you run the testprogram "c3_sd_demo_010.spin" that does check the SD-card?
Th test-prg requires a PS/"-keyboard connected to the C3 and a terminal-prg like PST.EXE running
This file says in the comments
7. Remember, ALWAYS format your SD cards FAT16, and make sure you do NOT use
folders and all your file names are ALWAYS 8.3. Also, its suggested that you
use 1-2G SD cards, these seem to work the best.
If I remember right 2GB is the maximum the existing drivers can handle.
Did you try another SD-gard with 1 or 2GB
keep the questions coming
best regards
I only had one 2GB SD card that turned out to be bad, so I thought I would give a 4GB SD card a try. Maybe the original author should think about adding some idiot proofing in the program, so people like me would be warned. Thinking about the 2GB limit, if there really is one, is it a hardware or software problem? The one thing I did notice when I run my program it takes an awful long time for the SD card to get initialized.
I guess I need more suggestions as to what should be the next step, besides putting in a 2GB SD card, I have those on order.