Pounce on the Goldmine!

Many useful goodies on sale: solar panels, gearmotors, transistor array DIP, 99-cent latching relays, $1 hall effect sensors, 75-cent slide pots, magnets, boards, LEDs, etc.
Plus $10 off your $75 order.
Many useful goodies on sale: solar panels, gearmotors, transistor array DIP, 99-cent latching relays, $1 hall effect sensors, 75-cent slide pots, magnets, boards, LEDs, etc.
Plus $10 off your $75 order.
They could write for Hack-a-Day, but they'd have to change it to quite unique.
Goldmine shipping faq: Funny guys..
Was the UK one of them?
We have a similar company here in the UK:
The owner, Dave Fisher, is an acquaintance of mine. I've known him for over 25 years.
Thanks for the link, now bookmarked.
Wow, and I thought I had a lot of Smile in my parts collection.
But stern ("what the heck were you thinking") laser warnings aside, it's nice that people care about each other here, huh?