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Display motor RPM with large digits and graph on VGA demo — Parallax Forums

Display motor RPM with large digits and graph on VGA demo

Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
edited 2011-08-07 15:27 in Propeller 1
A few days ago I was playing with drawing large fonts on a VGA display. Well I used that to create a display for measuring RPM on a motor by attaching a small magnet to the shaft and positioning a sub-miniature reed switch next to it. A small PASM routine measures the interval and this is then processed and displayed on a VGA monitor. The RPM is presented with very large digits and a percentage of the relative range is displayed on a vertical bar graph as well as recorded on a strip chart.
Some parameter settings may be adjusted from a serial console and automatically saved into EEPROM.

If you find this useful then fine, but as this is setup for my hardware you may need to adjust the pin number for the tacho input while the VGA is on pins 16...23.

rpm display.jpg


  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2011-08-05 08:48
    I am totally in lust with your strip chart recorder. Is that something you did yourself, or did you adapt that from something on the OBEX? Does that strip charter suck up a lot of cogs and memory or is that a fairly lean operation? Thanks for sharing this!
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2011-08-05 14:31
    Hi Peter,

    thank you for sharing this. I unzipped the archive and tried to compile it but it did not work
    FDX, I2C and synth, VGA_512x384_Bitmap, have 0kB and are empty.

    I copied them from other folders to the folder where I stored RPM_VGA-DIsplay and tried to compile
    the compiler complaint about "expected a subroutine name at Synth.Hz(

    This means I don't have a version of synth.spin that includes a method "Hz".

    Something went wrong with the archive.
    Can you please update the archive?

    keep the questions coming
    best regards

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2011-08-05 16:01
    Peter: When I fitted a cruise control to my Celica (around 1980) the kit used two magnets on the tailshaft acting as counterweights to stop vibrations. Of course, then the tacho needs to be divide by 2.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2011-08-05 19:17
    That's weird, I archived it with BST and the archive looks fine but when I tried to unzip this the files that looked like they were fine actually extracted as 0 byte files. I'm looking into it now.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2011-08-05 19:23
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Peter: When I fitted a cruise control to my Celica (around 1980) the kit used two magnets on the tailshaft acting as counterweights to stop vibrations. Of course, then the tacho needs to be divide by 2.

    Yes, that's why I allow certain parameters to be modified at runtime, such as the number of sensors etc. The medium sized DC motor I tested this on is geared down and I have an old panel knob screwed onto the shaft and a small 5mm supermagnet pushed into the knob's screw well, I'm testing out some micro-steppers at present so I can view the ramping profiles and performance with this setup as well (more magnets of course).
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2011-08-05 19:25
    I am totally in lust with your strip chart recorder. Is that something you did yourself, or did you adapt that from something on the OBEX? Does that strip charter suck up a lot of cogs and memory or is that a fairly lean operation? Thanks for sharing this!

    The strip recorder is fairly basic but does what I need it to do. Ideally I would have the recording "pen" down one end and scroll the whole graph just like a strip. However that takes too much time so I just move the "pen"
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2011-08-05 19:57
    Hi Stefan, I found that my copy of BST running under Ubuntu 11.04 seems to produce the archive fine but as you observed some of the files were 0 byte files when they are fully extracted. When I find some time I will sort this out. In the meantime I created and updated the archive in the top post.
  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2011-08-07 01:45
    Beautiful!!!! This will be a perfect solution for how to display data from my heart rate setup that uses the Polar Heart Rate monitor receiver chip.
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2011-08-07 05:14
    Hi Peter,

    every working code that is published in the forum or the OBEX is welcome and I appreciate it.
    To be not misunderstood I thank all contributors for sharing it and I'm always aware they all are doing it for free. So the others have to take the quality that is served as it is. Complaining about the quality of the code or the comments goes to far. Nethertheless I want not to complain but make a suggestion.

    My former experience with most of the OBEX-code is, that it is hard to understand because of not selfexplaining labels and names and short comments.

    I wanted to understand your PASM-code measuring the rpm.
    For understanding it really - I changed the variable-names and added more comments on how it works.
    Here it is and I would like to have your opinion if you would mind - before publishing code - to re-read the code and improve variable-names, labels to be selfexplaining and adding more comments to make it easy to understand for others (and yourself if you want to change the code after months)

    Again this is just a suggestion and not a rough call for it.
    MeasureRPM   'the SPIN-part executes cognew(@MeasureRPM,@interval)
                  'which means the register "par" contains HUB-RAM-adress of SPIN-variable "interval"
                  mov     ptr_Status,   par     'store HUB-RAM-adress of variable "interval"           
                  add     ptr_Status,   #4      'add 4 to change to adress of variable "status" 
                  mov     last_lo_hi,   cnt     'initialise last_lo_hi with actual cnt-value 
                  waitpeq rpmpin,       rpmpin  ' wait for lo hi transition
                  mov     act_lo_hi,    cnt     'capture the cnt on the lo to hi transition
                  'PASM has nothing like a single-line command in SPIN  tick_diff := act_lo_hi - last_lo_hi
                  'which is a command-line that has three variables in a single line
                  'PASM-commands have always only two "variables in a single line source and destination
                  'the calculation tick_diff := act_lo_hi - last_lo_hi
                  'must be divided into
                  '1.) tick_diff := act_lo_hi
                  '2.) tick_diff := tick_diff - last_lo_hi
                  mov     tick_diff,    act_lo_hi   'equivalent to 1.) tick_diff := act_lo_hi            
                  sub     tick_diff,    last_lo_hi   'equivalent to 2.) tick_diff := tick_diff - last_lo_hi            
                  mov     last_lo_hi,   act_lo_hi   'after calculating tick_diff - "act_lo_hi" becomes  "last_lo_hi" 
                  wrlong  tick_diff,    par         'update HUB-RAM variable "interval"
                  waitpne rpmpin,       rpmpin      'wait for next hi to lo transition
                  wrlong  update,       ptr_Status  'update HUB-RAM variable "status" 
                  jmp     #rpmloop
    rpmpin        long |< sensor
    update        long -1
    last_lo_hi    res 1
    act_lo_hi     res 1
    tick_diff     res 1
    ptr_Status    res 1
    best regards

  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2011-08-07 06:46
    Hi Stefan,

    You have to understand that this code was released "as is" and not necessarily vying for status as OBEX worthy as it is more of a quick hack. If I waited until I cleaned up the code and commented it all then I probably would never get around to releasing it, which is kind of what always happens. Of course if there is some interest I could repackage it in a form suitable for the OBEX along with refined symbol names and comments. But I find a lot comments tend to IMO clutter the code and it is much easier to read code that has well chosen symbol names and good factoring (for starters). Comments that outline the purpose and rationale of a section of code I find are far more helpful than the minute step by step comments.

    But I appreciate that we all think differently and have different levels and areas of experience and this has to be taken into account. At the same time each author should also still be free to express their work from their viewpoint, a bit like each artist will render a scene differently from one another but still recognizable.

    Now, to get back to your other question. The PASM routine for the RPM is a very basic capture count on active edge and subtract that from the count at the next active edge, that's all. I felt I "over commented" some of the code. For teaching purposes I would write the code a little differently (and less optimally) to reveal the flow a little clearer rather than over comment.

    Here's a slightly more commented version of that code from my point of view.
                            mov     ar0,par                 ' par points to first parameter (interval)
                            add     ar0,#4                  ' ar0 points to second parameter (status)
                            mov     r0,cnt                  ' initial latch of counter (r0) - not synchronized!!
                                                            ' so the first reading will not be correct (not important)
                            waitpeq rpmpin,rpmpin           ' wait for hi (loop while lo)
                            mov     r1,cnt                  ' capture the cnt on each lo to hi
                            mov     r2,r1                   ' make a copy in r2 for later
                            sub     r1,r0                   ' calculate time diff from last lo to hi (r0)
                            mov     r0,r2                   ' and remember the cnt at this instance for next calculation
                            wrlong  r1,par                  ' update the interval variable in hub RAM
                            waitpne rpmpin,rpmpin           ' wait for lo
                            wrlong  update,ar0              ' new reading, set update status
                                                            ' (this instruction does not necessarily need to be here)
                            jmp     #rpmloop
    rpmpin                  long |<sensor                   ' the pin which we are measuring
    update                  long -1                         ' some constant to set update status, in this case TRUE
    r0                      res 1                           ' temp registers
    r1                      res 1
    r2                      res 1
    ar0                     res 1
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2011-08-07 15:27
    Unfortunately, I agree with Peter. It is better to release code, no matter the quality (perceived) of the comments or structure. It is a sad reality that code is often not released because of lack of time.

    Often, we just test a piece of code to see if it works. We may then use that as a basis for something else, that may or may not be divulged.

    Comment requirements vary according to the skill of the programmer. For example, I often use short names which actually have no meaning, except to myself. This has come about for many reasons. I started programming in 1971, and commercially in 1974, micros in 1976. In those days, memory was tight, the assemblers were limited to 6 characters, etc, etc. Many programmers use i and j for integers which is a carry over from basic. Remember, basic only had line numbers initially, and they were not even optional.

    What beginners require is lots of comments which are really self-explanitary to experienced programmers, who call these comments clutter because they hide what is happening. We can understand a block of code simply by a single comment line at the beginning of the block.

    We are also often lazy. We don't like having to type lots of characters, hence a lack of comments and shortened labels. VB (Visual Basic) went to the other extreme with long fancy labels separated by underscores.

    Just my point of view and not said to start a war.
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