Beginner PWM questions

I would like to try out the PWM options on this H-Bridge circiut that I have etched and assembled from this schematic...

I made two of these circuits side by side on the same board...

It works great with the "roomba" motors I have, and also some little 3volt motors that draw almost 3 amps.
Here is what I am trying to do...

I can make this work without using PWM on the ENA* pin,(i.e: only set ENA* pin as an output, and make it output low, 0 volts)
The code without PWM is simple enough... outa[13..8] := %100100 makes the two motors go forward as expected,
But when I try my brand of PWM, the results are not what I expected...
PWMForward "looks" like it is working..... 1, 0, PWM1, 1, 0, PWM1
PWMReverse "looks" like it is working......0, 1, PWM1, 0, 1, PWM1
Brake should look like the chart................1, 1, PWM0, 1, 1, PWM0
but Brake does not work as it did before... 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 all the pins come on for the (distance).
So my question is, How would/should I go about making 4 pins a solid 1 or 0, and 2 pins PWM at the same time?
from the same SUB? (i.e.: SUB PWMForward(distance), SUB PWMReverse(distance) ect, ect...
Thanks very much

I made two of these circuits side by side on the same board...

It works great with the "roomba" motors I have, and also some little 3volt motors that draw almost 3 amps.
Here is what I am trying to do...

I can make this work without using PWM on the ENA* pin,(i.e: only set ENA* pin as an output, and make it output low, 0 volts)
The code without PWM is simple enough... outa[13..8] := %100100 makes the two motors go forward as expected,
But when I try my brand of PWM, the results are not what I expected...
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x 'Standard clock mode * crystal frequency = 80 MHz _xinfreq = 5_000_000 scale = 16_777_216 ' 2³²÷ 256 PUB Main | pin 'Configure counter modules. ctra[30..26] := %00110 ' Set ctra to DUTY mode ctra[5..0] := 8 ' Set ctra's APIN ctrb[30..26] := %00110 ' Set ctrb to DUTY mode ctrb[5..0] := 11 ' Set ctrb's APIN dira[8..13]~~ ' Set Pins to output start PUB start PWMForward(30) Brake(40_000) PWMReverse(30) PUB PWMForward(distance) | duty repeat distance repeat duty from 200 to 255 ' Sweep duty from 0 to 255 frqa := duty * scale * 2 ' Update frqa register frqb := duty * Scale * 2 ' Update frqb register outa[10..9] := %10 outa[13..12] := %10 waitcnt(clkfreq/600 + cnt) ' Delay for 1/???th s PUB Brake(distance) repeat distance outa[13..8] := %110110 PUB PWMReverse(distance) | duty repeat distance repeat duty from 200 to 255 ' Sweep duty from 0 to 255 frqa := duty * scale * 2 ' Update frqa register frqb := duty * Scale * 2 ' Update frqb register outa[10..9] := %01 outa[13..12] := %01 waitcnt(clkfreq/600 + cnt) ' Delay for 1/???th 13, 12, 11,.....10, 9, 8
PWMForward "looks" like it is working..... 1, 0, PWM1, 1, 0, PWM1
PWMReverse "looks" like it is working......0, 1, PWM1, 0, 1, PWM1
Brake should look like the chart................1, 1, PWM0, 1, 1, PWM0
but Brake does not work as it did before... 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 all the pins come on for the (distance).
So my question is, How would/should I go about making 4 pins a solid 1 or 0, and 2 pins PWM at the same time?
from the same SUB? (i.e.: SUB PWMForward(distance), SUB PWMReverse(distance) ect, ect...
Thanks very much
Before braking you run PWMForward which leaves the DUTY counters running with $FE000000 which is pretty much high all the time (so may look like a solid high). As outputs from outa, phsx and video h/w are ORed together you will keep seeing the forward PWM also during brake. If that's not what you want you'll have to disable/reprogram the counters temporarily.
You need much slower PWMs. Here is a possible solution with two 10 kHz PWMs:
Thank you for your explaination, that is exactly what was happening, just as you described... and your explaination helped to fill in some of the holes I was digging for myself.
@ Ariba, it's allmost like you enjoy writing code...:cool:
Thank you for taking the time to write that, especially code like that, all commented and everything.
And it works great, just needed some adjustments to the Khz (10 was a little "chunky")
I increased the period to := clkfreq / 30_000, So that makes 30kHz PWM frequency? correct?
Trying to be cog "stingy" and make all of the motor "stuff" stay in one cog, so I will maybe move some
things around, and try to use just one cog, I run out of cogs fast, with my roaming robots...
Anyway, after realizing I had PWM on the brain, I tried just toggling the pins... I think I was stepping thru what amounts to PWM,?
Again, thanks for the help, I love this forum.