Circuit Design Software for Windows
Can anyone recommend any software that is easy to use to build circuit designs?
Ideally would be nice if it were free but I at least need something that would be less than $100.
Ideally would be nice if it were free but I at least need something that would be less than $100.
the free version is feature limited, and free as long as you don't make money. Otherwise the payd versions start at a low price.
Some boards in the parallax site and on gadget gangster are available for free as diptrace files.
Eagle is a hate/like affair.
Designspark is a popular solution too.
In the free realm I would suggest kicad and the combo tinycad+freepcb.
Search the forum, there have been a lot of similar discussions.
I have seen it being used by small electronic developers to produce commercial products.
I tried ExpressPCB in the past, and on larger orders, received boards with fabrication errors. That is unacceptable!
I've tried other design software, like EagleCAD, and others, but found DipTrace to be the best all around package for features and ease of use (that is, in a comparable price range).
I use an old licenced version of Protel for my pcb layouts.
I use DFM Now! to check my gerber plots.
I am looking at Target 3001! for 3D representation. IIRC this works with KiCad.
KiCad is the only free tool with no restriction at all. (That I have found)