KyeDos TV version for small screens

Recently Jeff Ledger did a version of Kyedos for TV. This works well for larger TV screens, but the text is a little hard to read on some of the smaller displays, like the car reversing ones you can get on ebay. Search for "car reversing 3.5" or "car reversing 4.3" as these are two common sizes.
The standard propeller 40x13 text driver, white on blue, is absolutely perfect for this size display, so attached is a version of Kyedos rewritten for this text driver.
The help menu and the directory listing have been optimised for 40 columns (rather than the original 80 column VGA version).
From the directory listing screenshot you can see some .exe files, eg Loopy.exe, which plays Loopy Byteloose's gif avatar. (post #13 on this thread There are also the movies and other still frame picture viewers that can run the 256x96 full color display from Baggers.
This becomes a very convenient portable platform for demonstrating all the myriad of things the propeller can do.
The standard propeller 40x13 text driver, white on blue, is absolutely perfect for this size display, so attached is a version of Kyedos rewritten for this text driver.
The help menu and the directory listing have been optimised for 40 columns (rather than the original 80 column VGA version).
From the directory listing screenshot you can see some .exe files, eg Loopy.exe, which plays Loopy Byteloose's gif avatar. (post #13 on this thread There are also the movies and other still frame picture viewers that can run the 256x96 full color display from Baggers.
This becomes a very convenient portable platform for demonstrating all the myriad of things the propeller can do.
Btw, it's also a fun program. Keep it up!
Y, those screens are nice and cheap. Mine cost $25 shipped
The reason I'm posting this is not really for the sake of CP/M per-se, but more because I have three TV monitors, and it is the middle sized one that is the most readable, ie the 4.3" one. The 3.5" one is a little blurry, and the 7" display does is very faded and does not seem to like this particular black and white propeller object (it is perfectly happy with other TV objects).
So if anyone is looking at displays, the 4.3" one might be a good choice. Ebay are listing them for $28 including shipping.
The ratio on the 4.3" is a wider screen than the 3.5" display, so I might remake some of my movies with the adjusted scaling.
Gadget Gangster boards fit nicely behind the 4.3" display too (smaller board than the dracblade in the photo).