What's wrong with my code?
I was messing around with multiple cogs and threw together this code. I can't seem to get multiple cogs running properly. Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my code?
{{Blink.spin Blinks 16 LEDs in series controlled by 8 dip switches}} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x 'Standard clock mode * crystal frequency = 80 MHz _xinfreq = 5_000_000 LED_Pin = 0 'LEDs on pins 0-15 Dip_Pin = 16 'Dip on pins 16-23 VAR long stack1[128] 'Stack spaces for new cogs (Seperate stack for each cog long stack2[128] long stack3[128] long stack4[128] long stack5[128] long stack6[128] long stack7[128] PUB Main 'Runs the program Dira[LED_Pin..LED_Pin + 15]~~ 'Set Pins for LEDs to Output Dira[Dip_Pin..Dip_Pin + 7]~ 'Set Pins for Dips to Inputs Outa[LED_Pin..LED_Pin + 15]~~ 'Flash all LEDs for 1 Second Waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) Outa[LED_Pin..LED_Pin + 15]~ cognew(SeriesUp(1, clkfreq), @stack1) 'Start a new cog with a series controlled by Dip 1 with a delay of 1 sec. cognew(SeriesUp(2, clkfreq/2), @stack2) cognew(SeriesUp(3, clkfreq/3), @stack3) cognew(SeriesUp(4, clkfreq/4), @stack4) cognew(SeriesUp(5, clkfreq/5), @stack5) cognew(SeriesUp(6, clkfreq/10), @stack6) cognew(SeriesUp(7, clkfreq/15), @stack7) SeriesUp(8, clkfreq/20) 'Have this cog run a series. PUB SeriesUp(Dip, Delay) |LED_Count {Uses dip switch to control LEDs flashing in series with certain delay} repeat Repeat while Ina[Dip + Dip_Pin - 1] Outa[LED_Count]~~ Waitcnt(Delay +cnt) Outa[LED_Count]~ if LED_Count == 15 LED_Count := 0 else LED_Count++
What is incorrect is that LED_Count isn't set before it is called the first time.
Also, each cog should fully control it's own set of IOs. So if you trying to set the DIRAs of the cogs' IOs with the blanket DIRAs in the Main method, it may not work as expected.
Also, while 128 longs is plenty safe for a stack. Each of your cogs only needs 9 longs (though I'd do something like 20 to be safe). The math (as it was explained to me a while back) is this: each method requires 6 longs, then one long for each local variable and parameter. As soon as you start nesting methods it gets really difficult to calculate how much stack you need, so always err on the way-too-big side of things.
So the DIRA and OUTA-register has to be configured in that method that is running in the new cog.
You should write an init-method that has parameters for the IO-pins you want to use.
Then inside this init-method DIRA and OUTA are set.
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best regards
Yes should work. You are setting up all IO-pins in all cogs.
The state of the DIRA and OUTA-register are "or"ed together.
This means as soon as one cog sets a bit in OUTA to 1 the IO_pin goes high. regardless of the state of all other OUTA-registers in the other cogs
You can read more about that in the Propeller-manual.
It is better to have a method for initialisation with parameters for the PINS that this cog will work with.
If you don't want to read - but like more to learn through practical tests - use a test-program with only to cogs and one or two IO-pins
that it is easier to follow what is happening
keep the questions coming
best regards
I understand the concept, I just forgot that each cog has its own DIRA and OUTA register.
Thanks for the help,
I forgot something important: the init-method should be called in the cognew-statement after the initialisation
you can call other methods.
All other called methods get executed in the new started cog.
keep the questions coming
best regards