Can a robot cross the road legally?
As I day dream about great robotic inventions, I often stumble over the problem of a navigation system that may wander over public land, open land, sidewalks, roads, bodies of water, bodies of air?
Can a robot navigate a sidewalk on its own, legally?
Can a robot cross a road legally: A parking lot, a play ground, or a lake? I hope you get my drift.
If there was an accident I would hopefully have the correct insurance.
Boiler plate apologies for: spelling grammar and cohesion.
Can a robot navigate a sidewalk on its own, legally?
Can a robot cross a road legally: A parking lot, a play ground, or a lake? I hope you get my drift.
If there was an accident I would hopefully have the correct insurance.
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Would you give up your driving privileges because your car insurance would be lower for a robot? I think we should start a poll on this question.
They would probably test the robot out west somewhere where there are fewer cars but it would have to be approved by the department of transportation. They will also probably be very expensive and take years of debugging unless someone like General Motors with a lot of money spends the required amount to get the job done right.
Autonomous vehicles are coming
Foxconn is replacing workers with three million robots. Do you really want to see a million out or work Chinese? It is better P.R. for Apple after one of the workers comitted suicide and others complained about working conditions so I guess this trend will be to get rid of human workers.
I would think the insurance would be very expensive.
Would you freak out?
Some things like ice and snow can't be easily learned either because there isn't a tire in the world that won't slide on ice.
Only if it's dressed like a chicken.
Sure it can be learned...
In many countries with snow and ice, they hold special classes in this.
If people can learn(I have my doubts sometimes, when I see the big pileups and general mayhem on the roads after the first snow comes... And long queues at tire shops to have the summer tires replaced with studded winter tires.), it should be easy to get an autonomous vehicle to handle it.
For a small robot crossing the road? Should be fine.
The person who owns the vehicle has liability. The person who owns and insures the vehicle has control of the vehicle because they can say "no" to it being on the road in the first place.
Fed Ex has an autopilot system but a pilot sits in the cockpit just in case for purposes of takeoffs and landings just in case something goes wrong.
More on the lines of human size, on a side walk, but may need to cross the road.
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Any laws on the books would need to be enforced and if thought unjust toward Roboticists (not the robots, obviously) then challenged in court. Breaking these laws would result in a misdemeanor fine and nuisance charges in most cases. Personal and property damages would be the BIG issue (I detect a theme here).
We'll all be watching the Orlando news to see how things go!
Love it!
I liked that robot chicken and all the comments made.
Liability is the main concern now, but in the future there will be laws restricting the free movement of robots.
I would suggest that a free range robot have a good memory so as to replay its sensory data in case of an accident.
Boiler plate apologies for: spelling grammar and cohesion.