Having problems with LM317 Adjustable Voltage regulators
I was hoping to use a LM317 Adjustable Voltage regulator to create a 6V line for servos and as input to a 3.3v regulator to run the prop.
I can't seem to get close to the voltages according to the resister values.
So I went to trim pots, the only ones I could find at Radio Shack where 10K. They are a bit hair triggered as only a small part of the range seems usable. I am assuming 2K would have been better.
I dialed in my voltage using a multimeter before connecting 3.3v reg. Great. But when I connect the 3.3V reg, no prop and the outgoing voltage to the 3.3V has dropped to 2.2V with nothing coming out of the 3.3v reg.
Has anybody used these?
I can't seem to get close to the voltages according to the resister values.
So I went to trim pots, the only ones I could find at Radio Shack where 10K. They are a bit hair triggered as only a small part of the range seems usable. I am assuming 2K would have been better.
I dialed in my voltage using a multimeter before connecting 3.3v reg. Great. But when I connect the 3.3V reg, no prop and the outgoing voltage to the 3.3V has dropped to 2.2V with nothing coming out of the 3.3v reg.
Has anybody used these?
Their tab is NOT Ground/Vss/Return (the tab is Output). I mention this because lots of people assume tab is Ground and fasten it to Ground.
They need that 1uF output cap.
The input voltage needs to be at least 3V more than the output.
The 240Ω is fixed, a must.
"R2" can be a pot (rheostat).
PJ has probably hit the nail on the head. Another thing to consider for down the road: the input power supply must be able to give you enough amps, too. You can't put a weenie power supply on the input side and expect to drive an amp or more at the output.
Check and re-check all the wiring, then turn up the LM317 a couple of volts and see if the 3.3v starts working. If not, check the data sheet for the 3.3v regulator, it may require a specific value, low ESR cap on the output.
I am using a:
12v 200ma walwart
.1 uf disc cap on the input pin (one end to ground)
A 220 resister between the adjust pin and the output pin
1 10K trimpot with wiper to adjust pin and a outer pin to ground
A 1000uf cap on the output pin (negative side to ground)
PE - Push that 'F5' button once in a while or we'll be here all night.
Yes. Nothing is connected to the 3.3v reg output currently.
PE -- "01:38 AM" Any progress?
Could it be the 3.3v is defective?
Yes. That is what I did. The led lite and the 317 output pin dropped 1v from when it had nothing attached.
You said, "With just led attached the 317 output pin drops 1v. Could it be the 3.3v is defective? "
The 3V3 is not the 317, the 317 is the "6V".
Get rid off the 1000uF
No, I meant could the 3.3v be my problem and not the 317.
Not just with a no-load output, but when it draws some current, does some work, with no 3V3 attached.
Does that make sense?
Yes. That is what I did. 317 output pin to 330 resister to LED to ground. Dropped 1v from when nothing attached.
The output cap for it should be 1uF, something low like that.
It should stay in regulation, only change by millivolts (not volts.)
Then you can try to run the 3V3 circuit.
The output dropping by 1V (from 6V to 5V) is no good.
A-O-I (adjust, output, input), looking at the face.
Measure the input voltage, too, make sure it stays up.
Take data.
ARGH!!!!!!!!! The adjust pin is on the outside. I can't believe I missed that.
Input, Ground or adjust, and output.
It's A-O-I, and like I posted early on, the tab on it = the output.