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Limits of Freqency and Time Measurements using Prop Pin(s) — Parallax Forums

Limits of Freqency and Time Measurements using Prop Pin(s)

jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
edited 2011-08-04 17:34 in Propeller 1
Expanding from the other topic, and on AN001, which only covers a few cases, what are the limits of what you can use Multiple timers and pins, to achieve ?

Example : AN001 mentions POSEDGE and NEGEDGE which I think give one SysCLK pulse per IP edge, so effectively increments at the Pin Frequency, but there is no mention/example of this edge doing a time-capture ?

Also not mentioned is the maximum Pin freq, but normal here would be H/L for 1 SysClk, so 80MHz would limit this Pin-Edge-Count to 40MHz tops ?.
Config registers have two 5 bit fields for each CTR, so that allows any-pin mapping.
(buried pins would be nice here)

32 bit uC allow things like Clear On Capture, some have capture FIFOs and some have extended edge precision to 1ns, 350ps or even 150ps

How close can the combination of HW and SW get to a good Timer Block ?
Highest Frequency, limits on repetition rates for Pulse Width, or Period snapshots ?


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-08-01 20:19
    Let's start with pulse-width snapshots first. For a single pin, a counter can be programmed to gate its count-up from a pin input. Here's an example for measuring a single pulse-width:
      PIN   = 0     'Use A0 for pulse input.
                  mov       ctra,ctra0
                  mov       frqa,#1
                  waitpne   pinmask,pinmask         'Wait for pin to go low.
                  mov       phsa,#0                 'Clear counter.
                  waitpeq   pinmask,pinmask         'Wait for pin to go high,
                  waitpne   pinmask,pinmask         '  then low again.
                  mov       width,phsa              'Read width of pulse.
    ctra0         long      %01000 << 26 | PIN      'Count only while PIN is high.
    pinmask       long      1 << PIN                'Mask for PIN.
    As you can see, some minimal code support is necessary, and you will have to account for that code overhead when computing the minimum time allowed between pulses.

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-08-01 22:24
    OK, so that is a SW tracking solution, which has to snap to edges, but what is the highest Freq that can cope with ?
    Manual says 5+ (+what?) for WAIT- and 4 for MOV, so if we assume 5+ means it grows by one clk per wait, and we want to be waiting >= 1 clk to know we are edge based, we have 6+4+6 per half cycle, or ~2.5MHz ceiling (and that is just to capture into width)
    - is that correct ? and does the wait have a granularity of 1 for waiting ?

    What is the Max rate for POSEDGE and NEGEDGE counting ? an expected 40MHz ?
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-08-01 22:43
    Plus however long it takes for the desired condition to transpire, of course.

    WAITs have a granularity of one clock.
    an expected 40MHz ?
    Somewhat less, per Kuroneko's observation:

  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-01 23:29
    For the record I'll attach the 40MHz wave test program (demoboard). The preset cog/pin pair is 4/16 (NG).
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-08-02 00:04
    [QUOTE=Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi);1023212

    What is the Max rate for POSEDGE and NEGEDGE counting ? an expected 40MHz ?

    Somewhat less, per Kuroneko's observation:

    That's a slightly different question. I was asking about using POSEDGE / NEGEDGE to make a HW divider, whilst the linked issue seems to be a silicon blindspot in wait

    waitpeq mask, mask ' may block indefinitely

    where it fails to see a fast-toggling pin, - so is it really testing the pin every cycle ? - or is there some noise filter at work ?
    What frequency conditions does this start to behave at ?
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-02 00:27
    jmg wrote: »
    That's a slightly different question. I was asking about using POSEDGE / NEGEDGE to make a HW divider, whilst the linked issue seems to be a silicon blindspot in wait
    Same effect though, 40MHz NCO + POSEDGE running in cog 4 linked through pin 16, no response. Picking a different cog makes it all work (there are other NG pairings). I assume that due to internal delays the signal degrades to a point where it can't be seen anymore. So you may have less issues with external signals.

    We know for a fact that there are delays (@80MHz), my assumption is about signal degradation.

    There is also the possibility that the 40MHz clock transitions are delayed so far that they happen the moment the signal is sampled. Even then I'd expect the occasional transition to be caught which would be enough to register as POSEDGE event. But I'm not an expert in this area. It just irks me.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-08-02 01:20
    kuroneko wrote: »
    Same effect though, 40MHz NCO + POSEDGE running in cog 4 linked through pin 16, no response. Picking a different cog makes it all work (there are other NG pairings).

    40MHz is the expected limit of a edge detect.

    Did you try a different prop as the generator, so it is Async, and is it ok at /3 /4 /5 etc ?
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-02 01:23
    jmg wrote: »
    Did you try a different prop as the generator, so it is Async, and is it ok at /3 /4 /5 etc ?
    I can do that later (have some real world obligations now). By /3 /4 /5 I assume you mean clock ratios?
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-08-02 02:25
    kuroneko wrote: »
    By /3 /4 /5 I assume you mean clock ratios?
    Yes, simple integers should give least jitter in the test clock.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-02 06:46
    Preliminary results (same chip, 80MHz, cog 4, pins 0/16/24) POSEDGE/sec (accuracy +/- 1):
    /2: 39M9[COLOR="silver"]99999[/COLOR] depending on cog/pin pair (min 0)
    /3: 26M6[COLOR="silver"]66666[/COLOR] depending on cog/pin pair (min 0) should be OK with exact 1.5 cycle high/low
    /4: 20M
    /5: 16M
    /6: 13M3[COLOR="silver"]33333[/COLOR]
    /7: 11M4[COLOR="silver"]28571[/COLOR]
    /8:  9M9[COLOR="silver"]99999[/COLOR]
    sample sequence
    rdlong  delay, #0               ' clkfreq
            mov     cnt, cnt
            add     cnt, #9
            waitcnt cnt, delay
            [COLOR="orange"]mov     phsb, #0[/COLOR]
            waitcnt cnt, #0
            [COLOR="orange"]mov     phsb, phsb[/COLOR]
            wrlong  phsb, par               ' report
    ASYNC will have to wait until tomorrow.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-08-02 11:06

    I tried your program from post #5 above, with different results. First on a demo board, it did not hang on pin p16, but it did hang on pins 0,1,8,12,13,14,15. All worked fine at 5MHz+PLLx8, 40 MHz, so that points to a clock delay/degradation or a pin slew rate issue. Thinking there might be something about the demo board with all the stuff attached to the pins, I tried the same program on a virgin proto board, nothing connected to the pins. (modified the program to emit a letter on the p30 debug port in place of the led display, still with the coginit(4...)). In that case, it hung on pins 2, 12, 13, 14, 15 but worked okay on all others. Worked okay on all pins at 40MHz.

    Also at 80MHz, a slight shift of the bang-out frequency away from 40MHz avoids the lockup. For example, frqa = $8000_0010 or frqa = $7fff_ff00 do work (meaning not hang in the wait), presumably because the phase shifts to a favorable position relative to sampling. Of course, you'd rather that it not miss any counts at all.

    A followup: If a capacitor (22pF) is tied from the affected pin to Vss avoids the lockup. Also, if the Prop is sitting there hung, hitting it with component cooler causes it to continue.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-08-02 14:49
    I think I have a handle on how the pin-sampling works, and why all this happens.

    Classic PIN edge detect is a min of two flipflops, and the decode is simple
    (There can (should) be clock domain sampling FF's upstream of this, but they act as a pipeline)
    FirstQ  SecondQ
      H      L             => Rising POSEDGE
      L      H             => Falling NEGEDGE
    which then naturally expands to 
    FirstQ   SecondQ
      H      H             => Wait-hi (ie a Hi is two samples=H)
      H      L             => Rising POSEDGE
      L      H             => Falling NEGEDGE
      L      L             => Wait Lo (ie a Lo is two samples=L)

    and the 'maths limit' for this, is 40MHz (SysCLK/2), but in the real world, there is transit time and skew, and sampling apertures.
    The transit time will be likely more than one clock (which is why location and temperature matter), and skew means you can actually precisely miss a pulse that is under 12.500ns
    It also shows why WAIT can freeze, as the state never makes it to the outer cases with a 40MHz signal.

    If you allow skew, then the fMAX comes down from the theory limit of 40, to
    5ns Skew => 1/(25n+5n) = 33.3333MHz (@ 50% duty cycle, so not from a NCO )
    6ns Skew => 1/(25n+6n) = 32.258MHz (@ 50% duty cycle, so not from a NCO )
    kuroneko wrote: »
    Preliminary results (same chip, 80MHz, cog 4, pins 0/16/24) POSEDGE/sec (accuracy +/- 1):
    /2: 39M999999   depending on cog/pin pair (min 0)
    /3: 26M666666   depending on cog/pin pair (min 0) should be OK with exact 1.5 cycle high/low
    /4: 20M

    /3 from a NCO will be 2Hi+1Lo, or 1Hi+2Lo ? - and so it can still hit that skew issue, as there is a (12.5ns -skew), pulse being sampled. I'd expect a 1Lo to skew more favorably.

    Also at 80MHz, a slight shift of the bang-out frequency away from 40MHz avoids the lockup. For example, frqa = $8000_0010 or frqa = $7fff_ff00 do work (meaning not hang in the wait), presumably because the phase shifts to a favorable position relative to sampling. Of course, you'd rather that it not miss any counts at all.

    The lockup exit may take some time, as here you are waiting for the NCO to produce an output OTHER than 12.5ns toggle, which it will eventually do for numbers other than $8000 0000.
    The average frequency moves, but the edge-phase does not.

    A followup: If a capacitor (22pF) is tied from the affected pin to Vss avoids the lockup. Also, if the Prop is sitting there hung, hitting it with component cooler causes it to continue.

    As expected, because the signal flight times are more than one SysCLK, if you can move in phase so you DO sample 1010, then it will work ok.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-02 16:35
    I tried your program from post #5 above, with different results. First on a demo board, it did not hang on pin p16, but it did hang on pins 0,1,8,12,13,14,15. All worked fine at 5MHz+PLLx8, 40 MHz, so that points to a clock delay/degradation or a pin slew rate issue. Thinking there might be something about the demo board with all the stuff attached to the pins, I tried the same program on a virgin proto board, nothing connected to the pins. (modified the program to emit a letter on the p30 debug port in place of the led display, still with the coginit(4...)). In that case, it hung on pins 2, 12, 13, 14, 15 but worked okay on all others. Worked okay on all pins at 40MHz.
    Confirmed. It's not exact and depends on the actual chip (I tested demobard (x2), PPDB and SpinStudio). I confirmed 52MHz being OK as well (6.25/8X), it just irks me that at a frequency which is considered standard it becomes a gamble.
    Also, if the Prop is sitting there hung, hitting it with component cooler causes it to continue.
    Because of the pain? :) When I cut power in that state it continues too (LED flicker briefly).

    Anyway, isn't that all a bit academic? POSEDGE & Co don't have usable outputs so the idea of a h/w divider doesn't really fly, right?
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-08-02 16:47
    It comes down to samples being taken on opposite states of the wave being sampled. When the output frequency is exactly equal to the sampling frequency, as in the 40MHz square wave from NCO being sampled at 40MHz by POSDET, there is a chance that the sample will be taken at "exactly" the instant that the waveform is changing state, where it is easy to imagine that "exactly" depends on jitter in the clock edges and those other fuzzy factors. Well, empirically, does that mess things up?

    I posted an object that is supposed to generate counted bursts of pulses at up to 40MHz (when clkfreq=80MHz). With the demo for that object there is a monitor that uses POSDET to count the number of pulses that are produced in the burst, a number from 1 up to whatever would make 26 seconds worth. The number counted should agree exactly with the number entered (at the PST terminal screen). For example, you can enter a frequency of 40MHz and 33333333 pulses, and the POSDET count should then tell you that it counted 33333333 pulses. Empirically, it is accurate even at 40MHz. Above 40MHz, as expected, it misses counts. For example, with 40.000001 MHz, it reports 33333331 pulses, and with 40.000100 it reports 33333166 pulses. (A test I just ran) It can't be expected to work there. Still, I am surprised it works as well as it does, sampling states only 12.5ns in duration, given the aforementioned fuzzy transitions.

    I've also tried it at clkfreq=100MHz, using one of Bill Henning's ( 6.25 MHz crystals. The story at 100MHz is more complicated, and it does seem to depend on which cog/which pin. I'll try to make sense of those results.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-02 17:25
    Still, I am surprised it works as well as it does, sampling states only 12.5ns in duration, given the aforementioned fuzzy transitions.
    For the record, it suffers from the same effect as well when run here with 4/16, the monitor cog sees nothing in that case.

    Incidentally, the terminal object in your OBEX package has a length of 0.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-08-02 18:39
    Are you running it on a demo board? I don't have a problem with cog#4 to p16 on a protoboard here at clkfreq=80 MHz with i/o at 40MHz. With this same board at clkfreq=100MHz, it is fine from cog#4 to p16, but has big problems with cog#4 to p1, where the highest reliable i/o frequency is 25MHz. It does seem to be a caveat for the individual prop/cog/pin.

    Thanks for the heads up on the absent terminal object. There seems to be an issue with the way bst does archives. I had to rename the file without spaces to get it into the archive. It is the stock Parallax Serial Terminal. Will update.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-02 18:48
    Are you running it on a demo board? I don't have a problem with cog#4 to p16 on a protoboard here at clkfreq=80 MHz with i/o at 40MHz.
    Yes. Let's not get stuck on 4/16 it's just one of those problematic pairings I know I can rely on here, I could pick others but it's kind of a pair with a history :)

    And it varies from prop to prop while keeping the general idea.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-08-02 19:34
    Understood fuzzily. I'm attaching a version of the NCOburst demo that (if logic is correct) scans through 6 cogs (as the POSDET monitor) and directs the i/o to 28 pins in succession.

    To pick on cog#4 a little more, the output for clkfreq=80MHz, i/o at 40MHz, and asking for 333333 pulses out, gives the following trace:
    number counted by POSDET, cog#, pin#
    verify N counted: 333333,4,0
    verify N counted: 333333,4,1
    verify N counted: 333333,4,3
    verify N counted: 333333,4,4
    verify N counted: 333333,4,5
    verify N counted: 333333,4,6
    verify N counted: 333333,4,7
    verify N counted: 333333,4,8
    verify N counted: 333333,4,9
    verify N counted: 333333,4,10
    verify N counted: 333333,4,11
    verify N counted: 333333,4,12
    verify N counted: 333333,4,13
    verify N counted: 333333,4,14
    verify N counted: 333333,4,15
    verify N counted: 333333,4,16
    verify N counted: 333333,4,17
    verify N counted: 333333,4,18
    verify N counted: 333333,4,19
    verify N counted: 333333,4,20
    verify N counted: 333333,4,21
    verify N counted: 333333,4,22
    verify N counted: 333333,4,23
    verify N counted: 333333,4,24
    verify N counted: 333333,4,25
    verify N counted: 333333,4,26
    verify N counted: 333333,4,27
    verify N counted: 333333,4,28
    For this unloaded protoboard, it is the same for all combinations of pins and cogs.

    At clkfreq=100MHz, i/o at 40MHz, again 333333 pulses, the trace is not so good...
    number counted by POSDET, cog#, pin#
    verify N counted: 0,4,0 ***      stars mean bad count!
    verify N counted: 0,4,1 ***
    verify N counted: 0,4,3 ***
    verify N counted: 0,4,4 ***
    verify N counted: 0,4,5 ***
    verify N counted: 0,4,6 ***
    verify N counted: 1479,4,7 ***
    verify N counted: 0,4,8 ***
    verify N counted: 0,4,9 ***
    verify N counted: 0,4,10 ***
    verify N counted: 0,4,11 ***
    verify N counted: 37105,4,12 ***
    verify N counted: 333323,4,13 ***
    verify N counted: 333332,4,14 ***
    verify N counted: 333332,4,15 ***
    verify N counted: 333333,4,16
    verify N counted: 333333,4,17
    verify N counted: 333333,4,18
    verify N counted: 333333,4,19
    verify N counted: 333333,4,20
    verify N counted: 333333,4,21
    verify N counted: 333333,4,22
    verify N counted: 333333,4,23
    verify N counted: 333333,4,24
    verify N counted: 333333,4,25
    verify N counted: 333333,4,26
    verify N counted: 333333,4,27
    verify N counted: 333333,4,28
    The number counted is incorrect for pins 0 to 15, but correct for pins 16 to 28. For all cogs, it is the low numbered pins that are incorrect, and high numbered pins are okay. At 100MHz, all cogs/pins test okay at i/o frequency of 25MHz, but some fail at 26MHz.

    I probably have a bug in the logic--would appreciate if someone could check it. {For some reason, I cannot scan cog#1? -- Oh, forgot, PST is running there}
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-02 19:44
    For some reason, I cannot scan cog#1?
    PST? :) As for low-numbered-pins failing, I'd argue that your test is biased as you always send the burst from cog #0 (this is not a request for test extension).
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-08-02 19:48
    Right, forgot about PST.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-08-02 20:48
    kuroneko wrote: »
    POSEDGE & Co don't have usable outputs so the idea of a h/w divider doesn't really fly, right?

    I thought at first glance POSEDGE could drive to PinB, but I think that is not a divided drive, but merely a PinA mirror drive.
    Underlines my point, about trivial oversights in silicon... (sigh)
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-08-02 20:58
    At clkfreq=100MHz, i/o at 40MHz, again 333333 pulses, the trace is not so good...

    Is that 40MHz from another prop, or dividing by 2.5 ?
    At 100MHz, all cogs/pins test okay at i/o frequency of 25MHz, but some fail at 26MHz.
    25MHz will always divide 'nicely' by 2Hi/2Lo, but 26 will sometimes insert a 1Hi+2Lo or 2Hi+1Lo on the NCO output.

    It is those single-widths that fall foul of skew and sampling and Pin Bandwidth effects.

    ie 26MHz from a signal generator, would be OK.
    Anytime your round trip transit times exceed a clock period, you are moving into more conditional territory, on narrow pulses.

    Once the pulse is longer than a critical capture width (H & L ), then you may delay an edge by sampling, but should not lose counts.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-03 01:36
    ASYNC results (80MHz, pin 5 driven by 80MHz RAMBlade) POSEDGE/sec:
    /2: 37M6[COLOR="silver"]23584[/COLOR]/37M6[COLOR="silver"]22877[/COLOR]/37M6[COLOR="silver"]25367[/COLOR]
    /3: 25M0[COLOR="silver"]99047[/COLOR]/25M0[COLOR="silver"]97891[/COLOR]/25M1[COLOR="silver"]01229[/COLOR]
    /4: 19M9[COLOR="silver"]68659[/COLOR]/19M9[COLOR="silver"]69315[/COLOR]/19M9[COLOR="silver"]69179[/COLOR]
    /5: 15M9[COLOR="silver"]75271[/COLOR]/15M9[COLOR="silver"]75164[/COLOR]/15M9[COLOR="silver"]75146[/COLOR]
    /6: 13M3[COLOR="silver"]12741[/COLOR]/13M3[COLOR="silver"]12757[/COLOR]/13M3[COLOR="silver"]12723[/COLOR]
    /7: 11M4[COLOR="silver"]10660[/COLOR]/11M4[COLOR="silver"]10871[/COLOR]/11M4[COLOR="silver"]10931[/COLOR]
    /8:  9M9[COLOR="silver"]84620[/COLOR]/ 9M9[COLOR="silver"]84474[/COLOR]/ 9M9[COLOR="silver"]84421[/COLOR]
    For comparison: Preliminary results (same chip, 80MHz, cog 4, pins 0/16/24) POSEDGE/sec (accuracy +/- 1):
    /2: 39M9[COLOR="silver"]99999[/COLOR] depending on cog/pin pair (min 0)
    /3: 26M6[COLOR="silver"]66666[/COLOR] depending on cog/pin pair (min 0) should be OK with exact 1.5 cycle high/low
    /4: 20M
    /5: 16M
    /6: 13M3[COLOR="silver"]33333[/COLOR]
    /7: 11M4[COLOR="silver"]28571[/COLOR]
    /8:  9M9[COLOR="silver"]99999[/COLOR]
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-08-03 03:58
    kuroneko wrote: »
    ASYNC results (80MHz, pin 5 driven by 80MHz RAMBlade) POSEDGE/sec:
    /2: 37M6[COLOR="silver"]23584[/COLOR]/37M6[COLOR="silver"]22877[/COLOR]/37M6[COLOR="silver"]25367[/COLOR]
    /3: 25M0[COLOR="silver"]99047[/COLOR]/25M0[COLOR="silver"]97891[/COLOR]/25M1[COLOR="silver"]01229[/COLOR]
    /4: 19M9[COLOR="silver"]68659[/COLOR]/19M9[COLOR="silver"]69315[/COLOR]/19M9[COLOR="silver"]69179[/COLOR]
    /5: 15M9[COLOR="silver"]75271[/COLOR]/15M9[COLOR="silver"]75164[/COLOR]/15M9[COLOR="silver"]75146[/COLOR]
    /6: 13M3[COLOR="silver"]12741[/COLOR]/13M3[COLOR="silver"]12757[/COLOR]/13M3[COLOR="silver"]12723[/COLOR]
    /7: 11M4[COLOR="silver"]10660[/COLOR]/11M4[COLOR="silver"]10871[/COLOR]/11M4[COLOR="silver"]10931[/COLOR]
    /8:  9M9[COLOR="silver"]84620[/COLOR]/ 9M9[COLOR="silver"]84474[/COLOR]/ 9M9[COLOR="silver"]84421[/COLOR]
    For comparison: Preliminary results (same chip, 80MHz, cog 4, pins 0/16/24) POSEDGE/sec (accuracy +/- 1):
    /2: 39M9[COLOR="silver"]99999[/COLOR] depending on cog/pin pair (min 0)
    /3: 26M6[COLOR="silver"]66666[/COLOR] depending on cog/pin pair (min 0) should be OK with exact 1.5 cycle high/low
    /4: 20M
    /5: 16M
    /6: 13M3[COLOR="silver"]33333[/COLOR]
    /7: 11M4[COLOR="silver"]28571[/COLOR]
    /8:  9M9[COLOR="silver"]99999[/COLOR]

    Some strange results there. Are those crystal derived on both chips ?
    Are they typical spreads, or do results always belong to the set of three ?
    20/19.968659 = 1.0015695094998617584
    20/19.969315 = 1.0015366075401184267
    20/19.969179 = 1.0015434285004906812
    Similar for 10MHz
    9.999999/9.984620    = 1.0015402689336199074
    9.999999/ 9.984474   = 1.0015549141597243881
    9.999999 / 9.984421  = 1.0015602306833816403
    So they are all low by ~0.154%, which is quite a large amount.
    In counts-missed terms (assumes identical Crystals) , that is 
    9.999999e6-9.984620e6  = 15379
    9.999999e6-9.984474e6  = 15525
    9.999999e6-9.984421e6  = 15578
    Between readings, there are also variations, but much less :
     1-19.968659/((19.968659+19.969315+19.969179)/3) = 19.630ppm
     1-19.969315/((19.968659+19.969315+19.969179)/3) = -13.220ppm
     1-19.969179/((19.968659+19.969315+19.969179)/3) = -6.409ppm

    I guess you could reverse the boards/swap the code, to flip the crystal error, and so factor that out ?
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-03 06:18
    I was a bit puzzled myself especially about /4. That said, it was just a Q&D test to get some external (async) input. I'll put that on my ToDo list :)
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-08-03 10:06
    JMG, all my tests were done from cog to cog in one Prop, synchronous, so the results bear only on internal clock propagation delays, slew rate delays on the external pins, and noise wherever manifested.

    Marko, I see what you mean, the bias of low pins vs high pins would come from the fact that the signal is emitted from cog#0. Also, that kind of result would mainly be important when using the i/o pins to signal from one cog to another.

    Asynchronous is another matter, interesting results and a telling analysis. The percent low, ~0.154% holds true for the other test frequencies too, with a similar relatively small variation from test to test, all low by approximately the same %.

    How to interpret it? Should a transition happen to fall at exactly the point in time when the input is sampled, the result could fall either way. Not a point really, but a window. Suppose the input is random or at least sufficiently uncorrelated to the sampling frequency, in such a way that there is a probability of 0.00154 that an input transition hits that window of uncertainty. Would that bias the result to a lower count by that percentage?

    A 20MHz symmetrical waveform from one Prop might be different enough from the 20MHz sampling of another Prop to qualify as uncorrelated.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-08-03 17:25
    How to interpret it? Should a transition happen to fall at exactly the point in time when the input is sampled, the result could fall either way. Not a point really, but a window. Suppose the input is random or at least sufficiently uncorrelated to the sampling frequency, in such a way that there is a probability of 0.00154 that an input transition hits that window of uncertainty. Would that bias the result to a lower count by that percentage?

    The standard practice in crossing clock domains is to use single-D Flipflips, and then aperture uncertainties, can only ever 'delay by one clock'. NOT miss an edge entirely.

    What you DO need to avoid, is driving multiple bits, as then aperture uncertainties can bite.

    With a single pin being sampled, it is hard to see how they can use anything other than a chain of FF - typical would be 1-2 for sample/domain cross, and 2 for the State decode above. (two pre ff is normal, to avoid metastable issues affecting Tsu )

    With the low frequencies having 'plenty of slack', there is no sampling excuse to drop ~15500 counts.

    Of course, another variable in this mix, is the PLL in the Prop. It may be the frequencies really are off by 0.15%, and unstable within 20ppm ?
    Perhaps a 3rd opinion, in the form of a reciprocal frequency counter is needed ? I would suspect a real freq error has crept in somewhere.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-03 22:21
    Being the nosy person I am I redid the /4 test. Looks like the crystal wasn't attached properly. I now got 20M001005 dropping to 20M000999 after 6min uptime. Which I attribute to temperature (blowing cold air over the setup pushes the count back up to its initial value).

    Apologies for any confusion.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2011-08-04 10:00
    Whew! Marko, that is much better. (nosy?!) It goes to show another of the strange things that can happen when electrical connections are not tight.

    I concur with the picture that any potential problems with missing a count should only arise at clkfreq/4 and above.

    There was an early thread about how the flip-flops are arranged at the inputs. In particular Chip chimed in on the issue of metastability with respect to forking paths (carefully designed to avoid that). I'm just re-reading that now.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-04 17:34
    @Tracy: Thanks for the link, I only occasionally comb through stuff written before I joined (time permitting). As for nosy, wrong context (using my non-native speaker card). It just irked me that those values varied that much and I can't put that away for long.
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