Counter, Cogs, Methods and Objects. What runs In what Cog?
Say for example COG 0's first method launches another COG's Counters using cognew to do something, the counters are counting away and the COG is free to do other stuff this is COG 1. Then COG 0 launches another COG using cognew to do something run a method or object not involving Counters. Will the code be launched in COG 1 or does it get passed to COG 2? If the method or object used the counters what would happen?
Confused Ron
Confused Ron
This is what confused me the comments in the SecondProcess Method. So if the counters where running for say a Minute that Cog's processor I guess would be unavailable for that time. The code is from PE Kit Tools. The comments make it sound like the Cog is ready for work.
In the example you posted it just waits because it doesn't have anything useful to do. It's your choice in the end.
Thanks again Ron