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High School Robotics competitions in Orange County, California — Parallax Forums

High School Robotics competitions in Orange County, California

kemprofkemprof Posts: 12
edited 2011-08-01 17:34 in Learn with BlocklyProp
The Santa Ana High School Robotics Engineering Club has held an annual autonomous robotic vehicle tournament with other local high schools continuously for the last 15 years. Competitors use either the Boe-Bot, or similarly sized custom-designed vehicles using Parallax microcontrollers and servos. Most schools have neither the funding, nor support , time, nor the workspace needed to participate in the larger national competitions; the Parallax-sized robots serve us well. We would enjoy having more LA/Orange County area students join us in our competitions held in late May or early June. Have a look: to see what our tournaments look like. No entry fee, just come with your robots. Barbeque is paid for by whichever school club is hosting that year. Registration informal, just contact us through our website.


  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2011-08-01 17:34

    This is great work and looks like so much fun. I've visited your site in the past... Though we can't come from Louisiana - thanks for the inspiration and well documented ideas.
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