Need advice on VTI SCP1000
I purchased the VTI SCP1000 pressure sensor a while back and just now started playing with it. I have looked for a basic introduction with step by step instruction similar to the projects in "applied sensors". So far I have only found what are to me complex codes that I couldn't understand. I have searched around in this forum but didn't find anything helpful. All the info I have found pertaining to it has been written for someone who is way above me in understanding programming. I had intended to use this sensor with a bs2 to deploy a parachute for my rocket. I didn't really want to get into data logging or anything just start out simple and tell it to deploy when the pressure values indicated apogee. If anyone knows where I could find a simple example of code that could get me started or information along the lines I have mentioned I would appreciate it. thanks
Thanks for reminding me Dave