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Robotic Platform

RoddiyRoddiy Posts: 13
edited 2011-08-01 14:42 in Robotics
Hey guys,

I have another question, this time regarding A suitable platform for my next project.

In the past I had experience with dual DC motors for a Differential Drive robot, however, it was hard to keep them moving in a straight line, The solution for this is adding Encoders. However, Im looking at the Rover 5 Platform, which comes with 4 motors + Encoders.

Another option that Ive been looking at is using Continuous Rotation Servos, this seems better to me for when I move to part 2 of my project ( Flying ) as I can re-use the Servos,

From all the videos I see, using 2 Servos for differential drive yields pretty good lines, albeit at a slower speed, which isn't a problem to me.

has anyone had experience with using 2 Servos for differential drive? does it go in a straight enough line?

and has anyone had experience with the Rover 5? is it difficult to code and effectively use 4 encoders with 4 motors on a Propeller?

Thank you very much in advance,



  • RonPRonP Posts: 384
    edited 2011-08-01 14:07
    Another option that Ive been looking at is using Continuous Rotation Servos, this seems better to me for when I move to part 2 of my project ( Flying ) as I can re-use the Servos,

    To answer part of your question. If you plan on re-using a continuous rotation servo for a control surface (rudder, elevator, aileron ...) on an RC airplane or something like it "Flying". You can't use a CR servo for that as the POT is not connected and the servo's wont be able to hold a position.

    If I remember correctly my Boe-Bot though I haven't used it in years tracked pretty good with CR servos.
  • RoddiyRoddiy Posts: 13
    edited 2011-08-01 14:42
    Oh no, my apologies,

    what I meant is that I would re-use the servos for other applications, such as robotic arms, or whatever, whereas the Rover 5 would be completely useless once I transitioned to a flying object
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