Survey: What gets in the way of your Propeller projects?

I thought I'd put out a little survey this morning and see what challenges can be tacked that prevent you from getting your great Propeller projects to the finish line.
For me it's more often my lack of knowledge (or worse, encountering something I figured out last year, failed to write down, and now forgotten.) that gets in the way most often. Granted, this is a blessing and curse because I enjoy solving Propeller puzzles, but fighting with one problem with several hours does send me running for my Tylenol bottle.
Don't complain about the lack of options. Post your experiences to the thread.
For me it's more often my lack of knowledge (or worse, encountering something I figured out last year, failed to write down, and now forgotten.) that gets in the way most often. Granted, this is a blessing and curse because I enjoy solving Propeller puzzles, but fighting with one problem with several hours does send me running for my Tylenol bottle.
Don't complain about the lack of options. Post your experiences to the thread.

I believe you left one out:
EDIT: Sorry Jeff, I just read your post for the second time, and I see you asked for no complaints due to a lack of options
And 'aging' doesn't make projects complete faster. I'm hating to do simple add-ons; recent to add an LCD (a 24 x 1 liner) required 14 wires (to a 1 x 14 header on LCD to a 2 x 7 header; and mating header on QuickStart mezzanine board to pick up Prop signals, another 20 wires) which took parts of two days. Finally a chance to code. Using BST this time with iMac.. Hope I don't need PASD or ViewPort (wich those ran on iMac like BST. Grrrr! Windows! (via Parallels)
Maybe I should just start BST and not open up a browser or if I do be sure not to open up the Parallax Forums.
EDIT: Just wanted to add the "What's New" button a huge distraction for me.
So the trick is to make the prop projects earn enough to pay myself my own bill rate...
I have decided to spend time on the "Retronitus sequencer", so everything else is halted at the moment.
Biggest time trouble I have is poor chunks. A little here or there. It's hard to get into the zone, do something, then transition out again.
Sure there was... Check all that apply.
Could also have ticked (x) spend too much time reading this fantastic forum.
Now, where was I up to???
Knowledge? I could feel stronger on things like the counter/timers, but I've now written some VGA drivers and I feel very comfortable with PASM.
Ideas? Oh please. I have enough ideas to keep me busy if I live to be 600 years old.
Surveys? Sometimes I need a light hearted distraction to let my thoughts come into focus.
What I need more of is TIME. And Jolt Cola ain't gonna cut it. We need the life extension folks to seriously get on the ball. I tell you what, I will totally stop harping about the flying car if we get life expectancy up to say 150 years or so. Oh, and cure diabetes while you're at it, OK? After all this is the FUTURE, some magazine I read in 1975 said so.
For me, it's always this annoying giant pile of money I have in the middle of the lab. I'm always having to work around it, climb over it, squeeze past it with things I've rescued from the industrial dumpsters and whatnot. And then it's all the scantily clad women that hover around it, too, taking up my time, tripping over the cord to my soldering iron, their bodies sticking to the electrical tape with which I've wrapped up the frays in my high voltage wiring, tempting me with their incessant margaritas and splashing water out of the hot tub and into my liquid nitrogen supply. How I get anything done under these circumstances is way beyond me.
I might have a solution for this problem. I don't know if you know this or not, but I also perform money recycling as a sideline business. I can eliminate that annoying giant pile of money for you and you can make a little cash in the process, and then perhaps you can buy some of those desirable Parallax products. I am currently offering ten cents on the dollar for annoying giant piles of money. I also offer a convenient pick up service. If you are interested, just give me a call at (219) 555-1212.
My last project stopped since the Basic Stamp 2P wasn't able to do what I wanted it to do. Now its the Propellers chance.....
Which leads me to introduce my next project, a propeller-driven tracking system that watches for movement in a predefined space, and targets the moving object with a 4 watt diode laser array to cook the little buggers. Who here thinks I'm kidding???