27113 IO card SHIFOUT
I would like to use the serial feature of the 27113 IO card with the Propeller chip. How do I translate the Basic stamp code listed below?
I would like to use the serial feature of the 27113 IO card with the Propeller chip. How do I translate the Basic stamp code listed below?
' -----[ Program Code ]---------------------------------------------------- Main: DO GOSUB Out_595 ' Update 74HC595 DEBUG HOME, " 76543210", CR DEBUG "RELAYS:", BIN8 index, CR ' Display Current Output States GOSUB In_165 ' Read 74HC165 DEBUG "INPUTS:", BIN8 optos ' Display Current Input States index = index + 1 ' Increment Counter PAUSE 500 ' Small Delay (1/2 Second) LOOP STOP ' -----[ Subroutines ]----------------------------------------------------- Out_595: SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, MSBFIRST, [index] PULSOUT HC595, 5 ' Latch Outputs RETURN In_165: PULSOUT HC165, 5 ' Load Inputs SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, MSBPRE, [optos] RETURN
Got side tracked by other stuff. I'm just getting back to it. Have you made any progress?