27977 LCD Display
I am about to order the 27977 LCD display from Digikey, but I do not know which Rev. I will get. Digikey has trouble keeping these displays in stock so I figure they have the latest rev., is this correct? Second question: What is the connection off the LCD display, is it a 3-pin 0.1" spacing male connector?
DigiKey = latest? Not necesarily. It's the Rev. that they have stocked.
Why not get it from Parallax and order a 805-00001 or 805-00002 extension cable, too?
EDIT: Just asked them, and they told me that they stocked the lastest rev.
I just ordered the exact same one from Parallax asking specifically prior to my ordering for "the latest revision". I was assured that I would get "the latest revision". To my surprise I received Rev. E even though they have Rev. F in stock. Being the great company they are they have rectified my situation by replacing the ones I received with Rev. F versions. I'll know tomorrow when the replacements arrive.
Thank you for that Don, I shall ask them again to clarify which rev. they stock.
PE - 'E' and earlier should not get data w/o +5 [didn't know this was a problem] and have 20/80mA draw vs 10/50mA draw on 'F' units. I guess there's no prob w/ 'F' units re. data w/o 5V on (??).
My application utilizes the Propeller and just 3.3 VDC. This display will work on 3.3 VDC and I'm hoping the serial back pack will too. Saves me from having to have a 5 VDC supply just for the display.
PE -- I asked before, but anyway, why not order from Parallax?
That's all speculation.
Who knows what twists the distribution channel takes?
Why belabour the matter?
Sometimes when you save a little you spend a lot.
Maybe Parallax has the other items you wanted from DigiKey.
When you deal with Parallax directly you get first-rate customer service.
EDIT: They said they would reply back in a few days via email about which rev. they have, but still nothing.