Can I upload bin or eeprom from prop application?
I committed cardinal sin #1, I didn't backup my source code and I dropped my Laptop baking the SSD. Soooo... the only thing that was truly lost was one spin program that was finished and working. If I could upload that app from the EEPROM on the finished product, then at least I could archive the binary file. If I wanted to make more hardware copies of my project I would not need to write the thing over from scratch.... assuming no future bugs appear.
I guess I could write a program to accomplish this but it seems dangerous with only one copy of the bin living in the EEPROM of my app. I'd much rather use a proven tool to get the program backed up.
thanks, and Yes I'm a big advocate of Mirrored drives, backing up source code offsite, and ghosting periodically. I was just lazy and I got burned.
I guess I could write a program to accomplish this but it seems dangerous with only one copy of the bin living in the EEPROM of my app. I'd much rather use a proven tool to get the program backed up.
thanks, and Yes I'm a big advocate of Mirrored drives, backing up source code offsite, and ghosting periodically. I was just lazy and I got burned.
If you use I/O pins other than 8-11 for the SD card, you'll have to change the I/O pin definitions in BB_definitions.spin and recompile DongleBasic.
Jeff T.
thanks! what version of .NET framework do I need? Evidently I'm behind. I assume the latest will do the trick.
The Propellent.dll is available at this link and should be in the System32 folder
Did the app install but fails to run , when and what were the exceptions.
The upload feature works by using the Parallax Propellent dll to download a small program into the RAM of the Prop, this in turn reads the EEPROM and feeds it back to the PC.
One test worth running would be to hit the Load Ram and Run button, this would not cause a threat to the program in EEPROM and runs soley dependent on the Propellent.dll. The test would narrow the problem down.
Jeff T.
If I "Upload Binary" from my project it appears to do so with 2720 bytes presumably uploaded, should I expect the "compare Image" command to result in "true" when compared to the binary of the same project saved with the Prop tool? This is not the lost app but one for which I have the source to be sure that I'm doing this correctly. I'm getting false when I upload from the hardware then compare with the binary.
When I try to open the file that was uploaded with your tool with the Prop tool it complains, saying...that the file is truncated or not a Propeller application file, and "File size is less than 16 bytes or is less than word 4 (VarBase) indicates." not sure about that last statement's meaning.
Also the file has a size of 0 bytes according to windows. I did see a transfer of data from the proto board, blinking lights and your app appeared to be counting bytes.
The VarBase, or VBASE, is located at WORD[4] in memory. It is the starting address of the first VAR section, and is also equal to the size of the binary file.
If your getting False then there was/is a problem with the upload process which is proven when the Prop tool fails to recognize the binary you save.
It sounds as though the Propellent side of things is OK, that's to say downloading works fine. The uploaded number of bytes 2720 should match the file size of the binary on disk and also the value of bytes 8 and 9.
The application should have dumped the binary into the text box where the upload can be compared visually with the original, at 2720 bytes then byte 8 should equal $A0 and byte 9 $0A.
The display also indicates the file size by numbering each displayed line. The error the Proptool reports makes me think that the app is failing to read the first 16 bytes correctly.
It's always done fine for me but obviously there is an issue, I will look at it more closely later today, thanks for the perseverance.
Jeff T.
Jeff T.