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Source for Stamp PLC-type connectors? — Parallax Forums

Source for Stamp PLC-type connectors?

FalconFalcon Posts: 191
edited 2011-08-09 07:13 in General Discussion
I need to source a couple connectors that look like those in the pictures of the Stamp PLC. Do those separate from the PLC?

I have a Security DVR that has a connector that looks similar. One piece has the screw terminals to connect wires to, and is removable. It plugs into a board-mounted piece.

Any idea where to get these, or a name to search with? I could use anything from 8 to 16 "pins".




  • RDL2004RDL2004 Posts: 2,554
    edited 2011-07-30 07:56
    Those appear to be some type of terminal blocks. Unfortunately terminal blocks come in about a bazillion different types and it's hard to tell exactly which style those are. They look like what is called "wire to board fixed terminal blocks", which might get you started searching at places like Mouser or Digi-Key. Phoenix Contact is one of the larger manufacturers of those things.
  • $WMc%$WMc% Posts: 1,884
    edited 2011-07-30 12:24
    Hello Falcon
    If you find the rite part # 's could you post them here?
    Like RDL2004 said. Its like weeding though a Graham number.
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2011-07-30 15:19
    If you're talking about the green pluggable screw connectors, they are probably "Phoenix" brand, or "Dinkle" makes some that are compatible. There are at least 3 different pitches (.2", .15", .1")

    good luck
  • FalconFalcon Posts: 191
    edited 2011-08-09 07:13
    Well, I found them by accident. I'm in Finland on vacation and I happened to find a local ELFA electronics retailer. He found them in a Phoenix catalog. I'll have to find their P/N and post it later.

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