How To Convert 24v to 9v so I can use Board of Education?
Im New To Micro
Posts: 42
For a project of mine, I'm needing a method for converting 24v DC to 9v DC which the board of education can handle. I'm curious what exactly I would need to do this?
Other components are hooked up to the battery like a motor which requires 24v, but since the board of education cannot handle that much voltage, I need a way to drop the voltage going to the Board of Education however, I do not want the voltage going to my motors to be effected any.
For a project of mine, I'm needing a method for converting 24v DC to 9v DC which the board of education can handle. I'm curious what exactly I would need to do this?
Other components are hooked up to the battery like a motor which requires 24v, but since the board of education cannot handle that much voltage, I need a way to drop the voltage going to the Board of Education however, I do not want the voltage going to my motors to be effected any.
Hmm just spent a couple of minutes trying it out and it seems like it has a lot of potential, however, it seems too complex or contains too many steps to get to a simple answer However, almost anything that's new seems that way at first so I may have to read up on how to actually use the thing later. Thanks though.
Cool, thanks Mike, just what I needed I think. I just need to check to make sure it can handle 24v input from the datasheet.
Update: Yes it can handle 3-30v input! Just for anyone else wondering
The only thing I need to power off it is the Board of Education which I believe only requires 1A or less? Or is it more? If so I may need to go with the 3A version. I hope it will be less than 1A as I already submitted my order haha, but I can probably cancel it if need be.
Motors why? I didn't know they even made 24v servos? lol
lol people I'm not running or using servos in my application at all. All I need to be able to do is be able to send basic high/low signals from the board of education to different components in my application. I just need the same amount of normal power that one would have if they hooked it up to a 9v or 7.5v battery or power source.
I checked the Parallax website and they should a 9v adapter that was rated at 300mA I believe, so this device from Dimension Engineering should be more than enough if it will allow 1A.
Or the 7.5v version here which is at 1A:
But if I can call and get them to replace it Monday with the 3A version I may do so since it's only $5 more, but overall it looks like what I'm getting should handle the job just fine I think.
BTW: Regarding the motors since I never mentioned much info on them in the beginning, they are regular 24v DC motors and on the plate it states they are rated for 10A. These are hooked directly in parallel with the 24v battery. They are electric wheelchair motors, so yes, fairly large motors. They will not have anything to do with the Parallax part of the application what so ever. Just a FYI
I removed the BoE's "LDO" and replaced it with a 7805SR, they're similar to the DimEng devices.
It's on my "Cypherbot" which runs on batteries - so efficiency was my motivation.
(No pre-regulating linear regulators.)
PE -- Instructions
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Be that as it may, the/each BS2 has its very own on-board 5V reg powered from the BoE's "V_in" - not from the 5V out of the LDO (a/k/a "Vdd").
So, you'll be better served by an "off-board" solution.
...OK ?
At that rate, though, it seems a "waste"/under-utilisation using a BoE at all, you're not really using the BoE features. They're not inexpensive.