There are lots of ways to spend your time. Some are more useful than others. In that respect, this fellow's project reminds me of my eldest daughter's Aikido classes, club meetings, and conventions. Seriously, what is the point?
V.S. Ramachandran has a theory going that art is about creating a stronger response than would ever naturally occur in one of several recognition systems. The OP machine was obviously made to create a stronger "funky mechanical device" impression than any functional mechanical device ever would. In that sense making and experiencing art isn't that much different from flying or riding a fast machine to create powerful impressions, except that art appreciation is less likely to put you in the hospital than extreme sports.
There is a visceral sense of truth to what you say, localroger. Some of the kinetic sculptures in Paris, like the pair of giant lips, tug at me in ways I can't explain. Pics I've seen of some of the 'art' from Burning Man are similarly intriguing, even thought the event itself reeks of moral depravity.
I'm sure you're right. Guess I never caught onto civilized art. Hang gliding, skiing, or dirt bike riding is more my cup o' tea.
were is he?
Great find, Roy!
@K2: Ya just GOTTA expose yourself to art!
erco...I'm at a loss for words.
Also, I suspect that BD's "R Hex" has noncircular gears driving its legs: