Real Time Clock ICs
Would this IC work with the BS2?
If so, how? I don't understand the data sheet at all with the bad English on it.
If not, is there another Real Time Cock IC (from DIgikey) that would work with the BS2?
If so, how? I don't understand the data sheet at all with the bad English on it.
If not, is there another Real Time Cock IC (from DIgikey) that would work with the BS2?
EDIT: YAY: Hundredth post!
Yes, most RTC use a 32.768KHz crystal. At this frequency, when the RTC is operating from battery power, the power drain from the battery is small giving you better "standby" times.
You can get RTC with different operating frequencies, the MC146818 used in the original IBM PC could operate from 1.048,576MHz and 4.194,304MHz.
You should also consider the DS3231 chip used in the ChronoDot from Adafruit or MaceTech
It is compatible with the DS1307 and