My monthly joke

A Propeller and a BASIC Stamp go to the bar, and walk up to the bartender. The Propeller greedily requests, "Mr. Bartender please give me a big, tall, and warm glass of Cog". And the BASIC Stamp says, "Just give me a cold frosty mug of SERIN". After a few minutes of sitting there quietly sipping their drinks, the BASIC Stamp jumps up from his bar stool and starts shouting at the top of his lungs, "RUN! RUN for your lives! I am getting ready to pass some SERIN gas!


Better luck next month!
A woman watching from inside the office can't stand it so she comes out and pulls the flagpole from the ground. Lays it down. Takes the tape measure and measures it. Yells 12 foot 3 inches. Puts the flagpole back in the ground and walks back into the office.
The one guy looks at the other and says "Isn't that just like a woman...We wanted to know the height and she gives us the length.".
He worked it out with a pencil.