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Sending Bytes?

worthyamherstworthyamherst Posts: 46
edited 2011-07-27 07:35 in Propeller 1
So I am trying to 'code my code' and add values to certain numbers before they send so that the various sensors willhave different values and then I can know what values I have. I am wondering if anybody can tell me if I am asking too much from the basic stamp or the propeller. PS- I am using Xbee transceivers
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
BDistance        VAR     Word
LDistance        VAR     Word
RDistance        VAR     Word
CDistance        VAR     Word
Compass          VAR     Word
signal           VAR     Word
BDistanceA       VAR     Word
RDistanceA       VAR     Word
CDistanceA       VAR     Word
CompassA         VAR     Word
 SERIN 6,84, [signal]
    IF signal = "L" THEN
     SERIN 6,84, [DEC LDistance]
     DEBUG HOME, DEC LDistance, " inches left"
     SEROUT 13,84, [DEC LDistance]
     PAUSE 250
    ELSEIF signal = "R" THEN
   SERIN 6,84, [DEC RDistance]
     DEBUG HOME, CR, DEC RDistance, " inches rt"
     RdistanceA = Rdistance + 148
     SEROUT 13,84, [DEC RDistanceA]
     PAUSE 250
    ELSEIF signal = "C" THEN
     SERIN 6,84, [DEC CDistance]
     DEBUG HOME, CR,CR, DEC CDistance, " inches front"
     CDistanceA = CDistance + 296
     SEROUT 13,84, [DEC CDistanceA]
     PAUSE 250
    ELSEIF signal = "B" THEN
     SERIN 6,84, [DEC BDistance]
     DEBUG HOME, CR,CR,CR, DEC BDistance, " inches rear"
     BDistanceA = BDistance + 444
     SEROUT 13,84, [DEC BDistanceA]
     PAUSE 250
    ELSEIF signal = "s" THEN
     SERIN 6,84, [DEC Compass]
     CompassA = Compass + 1000
     SEROUT 13, 84, [DEC CompassA]
     PAUSE 250

n the propeller
 _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x     'Use the PLL to multiple the external clock by 16
 _xinfreq = 5_000_000
 Baud = 9600
 bs            :               "BS2_Functions"                       'BS2 Libraries
 STR           :               "STREngine.spin"                       'A string processing utility
long number
long distanceL
long distanceR
long distanceB
long distanceC
long compass
Pub main
  number := bs.SERIN_char(25,9600,0,8)
    if number => 0 and number =< 147  'Left
      bs.serout_dec(31, number, Baud, 1, 8)   'debug
      distanceL := number
      'STR.numberToDecimal(distanceL, 3)
    elseif number => 148 and number =< 295'Right
      distanceR := number - 148
      bs.serout_dec(30, distanceR, Baud, 1, 8)
      distanceR := number
      'STR.numberToDecimal(distanceR, 3)
    elseif number => 296 and number =< 443'Front
      distanceC := number - 296
      bs.serout_dec(30, distanceC, Baud, 1, 8)
      distanceC := number
    elseif number => 444 and number =< 591' Back
      distanceB := number - 444
      bs.serout_dec(30, distanceB, Baud, 1, 8)
      distanceB := number
    elseif number => 1000 and number =< 1360   'Compass
      compass := number - 1000
      bs.serout_dec(30, compass, Baud, 1, 8)
      compass := number

Also, the propeller board is a spinneret. Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2011-07-27 07:35
    there are several ready to use objects in the obex for serial datatransmission.
    Any IO-pin of the propeller can be used for serial datatransmission

    In your code above you are using the propeller-basic-stamp-functions. They are a quick entrance but they are quite limited (like the basic stamp itself compared to the propeller-chip).

    Simply use the IO-pins 31,30 for the serial connection together with the FullDuplexSerialPlus-object (shortna,e FDX+) which can be found in the propeller-tool library

    You don't need the str-engine to tie everything together before sending with FDX+ because FDX+ has methods for sending
    - single characters
    - decimal values
    - strings

    keep the questions coming
    best regards

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