Measuring Frequency using Demo Brd and jm_frequency_counter.spin
I get spurious results when measuring the frequency of a CTS MXO 50-2 1.8432MHz oscillator with TTL compatible output using the Prop Demo Board and the jm_frequency_counter.spin program. The Prop shows !.818181.8 with the last 6 digits fluctuating irradically. My Leader LDC 824S counter shows the oscillator to be rock solid at 184320x except for at most +/- 1 Hz while connected to the Prop through a 330 ohm resister. The oscillator is attached to pin 0, +5v and gnd on the Demo board.
Is the problem in my connection, in the spin program or in none of the above?
Is the problem in my connection, in the spin program or in none of the above?