I have the BS2 HomeWork Board Rev. E, and I want to know if I can power it from another source other than a PP3 (9-Volt) battery. If so, what is the safe voltage range I can use?
If it's not greater than that 9V then you're "safe".
What're you figuring to do? HWBs don't have jacks.
"Flying leads", alligator clips from a wall-pack? I like alligator clips, but you better know what you're doing.
If you look in my pictures in my "profile", you can see a little power module I made for HWBs.
And remember: if you attach a 9V battery connector to the HW board's battery snaps to connect a power supply to the wires, the color coding gets reversed. Black goes to positive supply Vdd, red to ground Vss.
I was thinking of using a wall power supply regulated by a LM317 to power the board for extended durations, but the power could have a slight ripple or noise on it, would this affect the BS2?
The 317 should iron out any ripple, practically.
The wall-pack likely has a smoothing cap in it.
There's a 7809 available, too (fewer parts req'd that way.)
What're you figuring to do? HWBs don't have jacks.
"Flying leads", alligator clips from a wall-pack? I like alligator clips, but you better know what you're doing.
If you look in my pictures in my "profile", you can see a little power module I made for HWBs.
PE - 'project pics' album
The wall-pack likely has a smoothing cap in it.
There's a 7809 available, too (fewer parts req'd that way.)
EDIT: I looked through my junk drawer and found a 7908, would this work without damaging the BS2?
If you run its "GND" to V_in and its output to V_ss then that "would work".
But, I'd prefer that you not do that.