HB-25 and DeWalt 12V motors?
I'm about to get some new style DeWalt 12V motors ( http://www.robotmarketplace.com/products/BP396505-20.html ) and 3 speed gear heads for a track based project. I find a lot of people use RC ESCs to control such motors, but I would be interested in using the HB-25 but I can't find reliable specs on those motors such as nominal and stall amps.
Has anyone used this combination, do the DeWalts draw to much amps to be used with the small HB-25?
Has anyone used this combination, do the DeWalts draw to much amps to be used with the small HB-25?
That Dewalt motor is a popular upgrade for the Traxxas Summit. The controller on the Summit is rated at 30 amps continous.
Rich H