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Doggie - 2011 Halloween project — Parallax Forums

Doggie - 2011 Halloween project

RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
edited 2011-11-08 09:48 in Robotics
Last year I created a Killzone for Wayne's World of Paintball's Haunted trail that they do to raise money for Toys for Tots.

This year I am going with "simpler" shock and awe. A man eating dog popper controlled by a propeller chip.

It will use a laser/photoresister tripline to start the routine which is:
1) LED eyes come on
2) 12v motor turns pushing head out
3) MP3 trigger board starts audio barking file
4) Canon Digital takes photo
5) Jaw and head tilt servos activate
6) 12v motor turns pulling head back in.
7) LED eyes go off as it waits for next victim.

Some of the work in process videos:


  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-07-26 06:17
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-07-26 06:42
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-07-26 07:04
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-07-26 07:20
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-07-26 07:35
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-07-28 12:56

    I purchased this 12V amp off ebay and I HIGHLY DON'T recommend it. I wasn't expecting a lot out of the amp, but was hoping it might be a way to run the whole system off the 12v battery without having to run off a generator. Location is a field.....

    The amp didn't really do much and the usb port that I was hoping to run the mircocontroller off of quit working within days.
  • piguy101piguy101 Posts: 248
    edited 2011-08-02 16:17
    Well your project looks interesting so far.
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-08-02 16:48
    Thank you, I have been frustrated with it all day, as I trying to change the power supply for everything.
  • CircuitMageCircuitMage Posts: 62
    edited 2011-08-03 06:53
    This is just the sort of post I was looking for lately. Thanks for posting.

    I am not sure how you can say you have no mechanical skills in the picture, with what you are putting together.

    And, I cannot see the video from work, so how did you make the head? Is that paper-mache? And how did you make the teeth?

    Lots of different skills shown off in this project, nice.
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-08-03 18:31
    I modeled the head using paper-mache. I then tried to make a mold using silicon chalking but it didn't really work. Got the head out of the mold but had to destroy the mold in the process. I eventually bit the bullet and bought the real mold making material which I used for the lower jaw and teeth. The teeth were modeled using artist clay.

    The head is a two-part plastic resin that I got off Ebay. Cures fast and really hard.
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-08-27 06:55
    I am working on syncing the jaw movements to the audio file. I have an audio editor that lets me look at the wave form in 1,000s of a second. So I was hoping to use a repeat while loop with 1/1000 second waitcnt and a case statement that would change servo position according to the count.

    I ended up having to use waitcnt(clkfreq/1500 + cnt) so routine length was same as audio file.
    routine := 0
               repeat while routine < 5568          'servo mouth and head action
                 waitcnt(clkfreq/1500 + cnt) 'divided sound file into hundreds of a second to sync
                 case routine
                      2: outa[barking] := 0
                    279: mouthposition:= open
                    537: mouthposition:= closed
                    558: mouthposition:= halfway
                    788: mouthposition:= closed                      
                   1006: headposition := 190         'tilt head
                   1119: mouthposition:= open
                   1358: mouthposition:= closed
                   1430: mouthposition:= open
                   1628: mouthposition:= closed 
                   1657: mouthposition:= halfway
                   1891: mouthposition:= closed
                   2004: mouthposition:= halfway
                   2336: mouthposition:= open
                   2489: mouthposition:= closed
                   2614: mouthposition:= open
                   2921: mouthposition:= closed
                         headposition := 90          'tilt head
                   3293:  mouthposition:= open
                   3439: mouthposition:= closed
                   3576: mouthposition:= halfway
                   3782: mouthposition:= closed
                   3972: mouthposition:= halfway
                   4913: mouthposition:= open
                   5103: mouthposition:= closed
                   5212: mouthposition:= open
                   5439: mouthposition:= closed
               mouthposition := halfway
  • octanetripledaxoctanetripledax Posts: 1
    edited 2011-08-27 20:47
    A way to move the mouth in time with the sounds that would be less painstaking to routine (and more accurate) would be to use an external ADC (or the RCTIME thing like the BS2 has, as the prop has no ADC) and measure the amplitude of the sound. That can adjust a variable which opens the mouth wider with a larger amplitude. I did something like this a few months ago for a project, it was a talking head (made of legos!) and it took voice input from the user. It worked pretty well. Plus, if you decide to change the sounds, there is really no extra work involved, as your circuit does it for you. Sorry I don't have documentation on it... it was in 8th grade and I didn't really think to do that though:(

    Nice project, BTW. How much more work do you estimate needs to be done until completion?
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-08-28 10:08
    Doh! Why didn't I think of that?

    It is pretty close. I have a problem with a servo linkage arm that keeps popping off. It is suppose to tilt the head side to side. And I have to figure out why I am getting so much feedback from a dual amp set-up.

    It is going to have a frame in front of it holding up a red paint stained plastic sheet that the head will pop out through.
  • CircuitMageCircuitMage Posts: 62
    edited 2011-09-01 06:14
    Still following this thread. Good stuff.

    Please continue updates and comments.

    Octane: You used a BS and ADC and you were in the 8th grade?.....reallly?....
  • bsnutbsnut Posts: 521
    edited 2011-09-03 23:24
    Not a bad job at all on getting sound in sync with the prop. But, I have one suggestion for you.

    They have boards that take care of the sync issue and you don't need a microcontroller to handle the servo commands. These boards are call Audio Servo Controllers and you can get them form . This website was started by a EFX-TEK forum member Jackman, where I post all the time under the same user name.

    All the microcontroller needs to do is start the MP3 player. When, the sound starts to play the Audio Servo Controller starts to moving the servo in sync with the sound.

    BTW, and the support forums was started by "JonnyMac" aka Jon Williams
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-10-30 06:38
    Some of the best reactions from trail goers to doggie's attack.

    504 x 603 - 263K
    633 x 504 - 337K
    504 x 726 - 369K
    574 x 504 - 256K
    569 x 576 - 319K
    603 x 576 - 374K
    550 x 504 - 307K
    530 x 576 - 293K
    685 x 504 - 308K
    754 x 504 - 322K
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-10-30 12:52
    My only on location picture of the doggie in action. I had changed the routine from "popping out, barking, going back in" to going in and out while barking which seemed more aggressive.

    597 x 504 - 201K
  • Spiral_72Spiral_72 Posts: 791
    edited 2011-11-05 17:17
    That's great man. I thought of you the other day and made it a point to check your thread for Halloween updates :)

    The first picture is hilarious!! It looks like she nearly jumped out her skin.. HAHA!
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-11-06 00:19
    Very cool project! When will the beast have the rest of the body? What will you do with it long after Halloween - convert it to a big Santa for Christmas?
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2011-11-06 05:26
    The 12v motor was at it's limits with just the head. I actually had to change my plans because it was not reliably pushing the head out. It pulled back with lots of force, so instead of resting the head in the back position, I left it sticking out at rest. It was in a shadow so it couldn't be seen without the spotlight on it. Then I cycled it in and out while barking which actually looked better then my original idea of just popping out, barking, and then pulling back in.

    To go with a body, I am going to have to switch to pneumatics.

    As far as storage, I am still working on that. The head was originally removable. but I was afraid of it working loose so I went crazy with the gorilla glue.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-11-08 09:48
    Ragtop wrote: »
    As far as storage, I am still working on that. The head was originally removable. but I was afraid of it working loose so I went crazy with the gorilla glue.
    Keep it in the guest bed. :)
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