dual power supply
i want to use one 12v battery (#1) to power my bs2's and 2 motors, one motor via an hb25 #A. i want to dedicate the other 12v battery (#2) to operate only the big motor "power" via an hb25 #B.
can i connect the battery #2 only to the hb25 #B at the big motor power terminals, and have the microcontroller (powered by battery #1) control this hb25 #B and motor? i plan to tie the grounds of both batteries together.
do you foresee any discharging or shorting problems by this scheme.
thanks for your thoughts,
can i connect the battery #2 only to the hb25 #B at the big motor power terminals, and have the microcontroller (powered by battery #1) control this hb25 #B and motor? i plan to tie the grounds of both batteries together.
do you foresee any discharging or shorting problems by this scheme.
thanks for your thoughts,
with motors the supply voltage might drop and reset your chip. In this case big fat capacitors help a little bit. Anyway a separate supply for the big motors is a good idea.