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nerdDoro is shakey now — Parallax Forums

nerdDoro is shakey now

JeffaJeffa Posts: 80
edited 2011-07-24 15:21 in Accessories
I found my memsic accelerometer and replaced button functions with tilts.

I can toggle the LCD backlight on and off as well as reset the Pomodoro timer. Check out the short video.

The inside of my nerdDoro prototype.


Screenshot of nerdDoro utility screen that allows
  • RTC set from SNTP
  • XML test
  • Toggle LCD
  • Toggle usr led also resets timer

XML data dateTime and temperature


Lot's of things I would like to add and clean up. Running out of time, so the Spinneret prototype is basically done. I need to finish up the wp7 application and a wordpress plugin that display the XML data. Then going to start on project documentation.
1024 x 768 - 129K
764 x 650 - 118K
764 x 650 - 96K
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