Khan Academy
For those of you who never heard about the Khan Academy (, it's basically an ever expanding freely accessible on-line educational suite for both students and educators, which comprises of video tutorials, skill assessment, progress tracking, and a lot of other goodies. The program has been getting a lot of positive feedback, and also financial support from companies such as Google, and foundations such as the Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation.
I think this is a great project, and possibly a glimpse into the future of public education and tutoring. I was just wondering if any of you have used it, or know a family member or friend that has, and what you/they think about it.
Additional links:
Salman Khan TED Talk -
WIRED Magazine article-
I think this is a great project, and possibly a glimpse into the future of public education and tutoring. I was just wondering if any of you have used it, or know a family member or friend that has, and what you/they think about it.
Additional links:
Salman Khan TED Talk -
WIRED Magazine article-