Propeller Robot Control Board - Looks Like A Major Step In A Good Direction

Hello Everyone
Now that's the kind of stuff I have been talking about. With a HV Proto Board like the one I mentioned, the movers and shakers can prototype a wide variety of boards like this one.
Propeller Robot Control Board
Very Well Done Parallax!!!
Now that's the kind of stuff I have been talking about. With a HV Proto Board like the one I mentioned, the movers and shakers can prototype a wide variety of boards like this one.
Propeller Robot Control Board
Very Well Done Parallax!!!
P.S. I hope this board ends up being a best seller for you. I will keep my fingers crossed.
That's the first time I have ever seen that board. They were showing it on the homepage, so I went searching to find out what it was. Low and behold, a board with a L6205 chip. Hard to believe that I have missed that board in the Propeller products.
I am really surprised that they configured the board like that. I missed that at first glance, but now that you mention it, I believe that board needs an update.
Did you use stepper motors or regular dc motors for this project?
Regular motors. This board is used on the Stingray:
I believe Jon was using DC motors. I let him confirm. He described a little bit about a project in the recent Nuts and Volts Spin Zone article (July 2011).
DC motors; the board replaced a previous SX design (also by me) for an existing pan/tilt mechanism.
And yes, I did layout a custom board for the client (the product is in production now). In addition to the Propeller and the motor driver circuity it has an eight-channel ADC (MCP3208) to monitor joysticks, pots, motor current, and input voltage.
I'd be curious to know why an H-bridge (or, rather a dual H-bridge) is not appropriate for stepper motors (of the bipolar variety, of course).
Yes, I had unipolar steppers (which I tend to use) on my mind when I first posted. As noted, I corrected all-too-quick response.
JonnyMac has a very clever approach at using PWM in its own cog.(see the SPIN ZONE July 2011 issue Nuts&Volts mag.)
I might try to code this over to PropBasic later this week end.
Have fun. See-Ya!!!
Thanks, Walt, though that's not my original idea; I adapted it from AN001 (converted PASM to Spin) -- and I have put that to use in projects like the Pan/Tilt controller mentioned above. Considering the simplicity and the use of counters to do the heavy lifting you should have no trouble converting it to PropBASIC.
I hope all is going well. I am currently not a subscriber to Nuts & Volts, so I was unable to access the full article, however I was able to view the source code. I looked at it briefly for a minute or two, but I currently have my hands full, so I will have to get back to it later and take a better look.
Hey Walt, wasn't that you that told me you adapted flywheels to your bush hog? If so, when are you going to post a pic of the monster?
Is a replacement coming?
I'm guessing there will be a new version with the cited issues corrected.