Visitor to Parallax
Hi everybody -
As many of you may know, from time to time we give tours here at Parallax - UPEW, National Robotics Week, various schools, etc.
Today we had a visitor that came all the way from Australia! That's a long way from Rocklin, CA.
His name is "Mr. X" (not his real name) -
Mr. X is starting to think about building robots himself...
But now I'm curious - of those of you that have visited, where'd you come from?
Who's the closest, and who's the furthest?
-Maddie the Intern
As many of you may know, from time to time we give tours here at Parallax - UPEW, National Robotics Week, various schools, etc.
Today we had a visitor that came all the way from Australia! That's a long way from Rocklin, CA.
His name is "Mr. X" (not his real name) -
Mr. X is starting to think about building robots himself...
But now I'm curious - of those of you that have visited, where'd you come from?
Who's the closest, and who's the furthest?
-Maddie the Intern
I visited back in May, and I came from San Diego, same as Roy E. Afraid that doesn't quality for any records. Be we do have nice weather down here.
-- Gordon
I got to meet lots of great people and Ken took me on a tour through the whole place. Fantastic!
I came all the way from Louisiana! Not nearly as far as Australia though...
I came from Livermore, CA for the UPEW last year (and this year)
Recommended. I had a great time, and really enjoyed seeing the tour, checking out the manufacturing stuff. Having spent years on larger scale manufacturing, it was very cool to see how electronics can be so different, yet much the same. The Parallax people are great, and they seriously enjoy meeting folks that put their efforts to good use. I find myself angling for a Sacremento "work trip" that happens to land on a lay-over day, or something.