7seg LED DIY Kit for sale, with free pasm lessons.

Kit comes with:
1... Green PCB
1... 4digit 7seg +dot Yellow LED
32.. Resistor pre-bent (330ohm)
4... 74HC164 serial to parallel shift register IC
4... 0.1uF ceramic capacitor
1... 2.2nf and 1k5 resistor for optional 1wire communication.
1... 4pin female socket and angle male header.
The LED is non-multiplexed, so send and forget.
School starts next week, first lesson: The hardware (why the specific parts where chosen)
Future lessons:
Very simple clock pin and serial pin control (with no loops)
Send serial data within a loop.
Create a random number using LFSR to update random 7 segments.
Create a table with font 0-9 and create a stopwatch.
24hour clock with colon as seconds.
Use WaitVid to send serial and clock.
Can also be used under Spin and on BasicStamp.
You solder it, so it gives you something to do during a rainy day.
Ships worldwide, allow 1 week before shipping.
$15.95 plus $3.95 s&h
