Goldmine solar panels

12W, on sale for $30 each, buy 2 and save $5 (any order over $50) so final cost is $27.50 each for two.
Deal or no deal? Or would you prefer whatever's behind Curtain #2?
Deal or no deal? Or would you prefer whatever's behind Curtain #2?
...Also depending on the circumstances I would use the solar panel ... If I wanted longer operation under less than optimal lighting I might consider Amorphous cells even though the internal resistance is terrible (yes, they would be bigger to compensate for the required wattage).
On the other hand if I knew that the lighting would be reasonably adequate, I would lean towards the crystalline panels... with much lower internal resistance.
That said, the geometry with any cell makes a difference also... the best aspect ratio per cell is a square, but the voltage and/or current may not be what you want... a rectangle can either offer more current at a lower voltage (lower internal resistance), or more voltage at a lower current (higher internal resistance) depending on the aspect ratio and the wiring orientation of the cells. The sweet spot seems to be close to a square with the most available power and internal resistance/voltage compromise.
How about the fact that these are "high efficiency thin-film Copper indium Gallium DiSelenide (CIGS) solar cells" ?
Hey, they're self-repairing! What's not to love?
PS: Currently on Ebay for $74 (or more) shipped:
@Beau: Interesting $/watt chart at ranges from $2 to $26 per watt