Matt Gilliland wrote: » Go ahead, guess! -Matt
A Half Marathon.
erco wrote: » Penguin 2 ???!!! Call Humanoido !
davejames wrote: » !!! BS3 !!! Well - one can hope...right?
Wireless forum
Quad Copters?
... although a quadrover with wifi would be nicer... heck, it could do the marathon for me !
Well - one can hope...right?
Call Humanoido !
LOL.... Matt will need his BoeBotBat Cape....
( Monthy Python and the Holy Grail)
Gotta be WiFi. I've waited 5 years for it. Parallax must know my birthday is next month.
Guess what! Production is getting ready to runover Maddies spying Stingray with its killer Quadrover !!
One would only make a BS3 if there was a new brain to put in it like the Prop II or new features.
Guess what Production is getting ready to run the guantlet..
(Although that might imply they have been a BAD Production!! Maybe Ken can tell !!)
I'm not saying anything except:
Watch for an exciting post in the...
No not the Ping sensor.
I'm talking IP addresses!
Quick! Everyone! To the Wireless Forum!