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Command questions

jc3IIIjc3III Posts: 21
edited 2011-07-29 22:39 in Propeller 1
I'm new to the propeller chip, so I bought the Propeller Professional Development Board and the book called "Programming the Propeller with Spin: A Beginner's Guide to Parallel Processing" by Harprit Singh Sandhu. I'v been learning so far until the part when he starts introducing the LCD screen. I don't have the same LCD screen as he was using, I have the Parallax 2x16 Serial LCD (Non-Backlit). I can make it turn on and I have used a couple of programs from the parallax website. It works find with those programs, but I don't know where those commands come from dealing with the LCD. I also seen other commands that I couldn't find in the manual.
From what I understand, in the OBJ block the "LCD:" is saying the program will be using methods from a particular program. I guess when it says or whatever after the dot, in the PUB block, it's coming from the a different program? I don't know, so I was wondering if someone could clarify with me whats going on.


  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-07-21 00:22

    I don't know much about your lcd screen, but in the object block, e.g.:
      LCD : "MyLCD"  
    • LCD is the symbol name, and it is how the object will be referenced throughout the program
    • MyLCD is the object name or filename. Upon compile, an object with filename is searched for in the editor tabs, the working directory, and the library directory.
    In your particular situation, this file is probably located in the library directory. Which can be found by opening Windows Explorer, and expanding the the Program Files directory, and then look for Parallax Inc. I have attached an image to help you find this file.

    Also, "MyLCD" is a fictious filename that I created. You must seek out the actual filename that you are using.

    234 x 136 - 9K
  • jc3IIIjc3III Posts: 21
    edited 2011-07-21 00:53
    I understand OBJ block part now, thank you for that. Now I just need to figure out how to use my LCD with this program, which doesn't look so good.
  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-07-21 00:58
    You are welcome
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2011-07-21 05:29
    Hello jc3ll,

    welcome to the propellerforum!

    In your posting aboce you wrote that you have successfully tried some demo-programs.

    to make my on a level that it is understandable for you I have some questions:

    Do you have experience with any kind of programming language and on which level: just a raw classification no at all - some small programs with language ... I have quite a lot experience with language...
    please describe in normal words your idea what you want to do next.

    I add some examples but I would like to read from your own idea:
    - Displaying "Hello World" on the LCD
    - showing the state of some switches on the LCD

    keep the questions coming
    best regards

  • prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
    edited 2011-07-21 07:41
    Is you question about HD44780 commands? I just started learning this. The HD44780 chip is a common interface to character LCD displays. We send commands serially to the HD44780 and it handles the individual segments. If your module has this part on it, the answer may be on the HD44780 datasheet.
  • jc3IIIjc3III Posts: 21
    edited 2011-07-22 01:13
    What I want to do is display the lab results on an LCD screen, I'm using the 2 rows x 16 characters Non-backlit Parallax Serial LCD screen. The connections are the RX, Grd, and 5v. I'm using that beginners book and as of right now I'm stuck because I'm not using the same kind of LCD as the author is. My programming skills are at a low level. I did display a message from a program, but I was stuck on displaying the results form the experiment I was doing. I went to the OBJ the program used to show the message and it was confusing, especially when it started showing the Assembly Language. here are the programs : . In that particular program I'm trying to do, the state of the chip will be read based off a discharging capacitor, the results will be shown on an LCD.
  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-07-22 01:34
    Perhaps this document will help, so take a peek.
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2011-07-22 02:11
    Hi jc3lll,

    so just to make sure that I have understood right. you have this display

    and you tested it with this demo-program

    In the microcontroller world standardisation goes not so far as in the PC world.
    In the PC-world plug in any USB-device and you are done. In the microcontroller world
    you have to look up if interfaces are compatible to each other on the hardware side
    voltage levels, impedance TTL-logic or open-collector
    and the softwareside: baudrate, databits, stopbits, logic-level inversion

    In your case most of the things are compatible when using one of the serial-objects
    like FullDuplexSerial or FullDuplexSerialPlus. only baudrate must be adjusted.

    The object 484 called LCD 2x16 Parallel says in its name it is for a parallel interface.

    Your LCD has a serial interface on voltage level 5V.

    Propeller-Chip===>===serial interface===>===HD44780-controller===>===LCD

    Important: the propellerchip is a 3.3V device. your LCD is a 5V device.
    You have to insert a 2.2kOhm resistor between Propeller-chip and LCD on the LCD-RX-line.

    For you only the bold written part Propeller-Chip===>===serial interface is of interest.
    The object 484 is incompatible to your serial interface because different amount of IO-pins and different protocol and commands how to communicate with the LCD

    My advice: only change one thing at at time and then test again. First step

    The Demoprogram uses the object FullDuplexSerial
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      TX_PIN        = 0
      BAUD          = 19_200
      LCD           : "FullDuplexSerial.spin"
    PUB Main
      LCD.start(TX_PIN, TX_PIN, %1000, 19_200)
      waitcnt(clkfreq / 100 + cnt)                ' Pause for FullDuplexSerial.spin to initialize
      LCD.str(string("Hello, this text will wrap."))

    I recommend to change to the FullDuplexSerialPlus-object
    simply replace the codelines
      LCD           : "FullDuplexSerial.spin"

      LCD           : "FullDuplexSerial[COLOR=red][B]Plus[/B][/COLOR].spin"

    Then test again if your display shows the same as before the change.

    FullduplexSerialPlus has the same commands as FullDuplexSerial but offers more useful commands

    these commands are
    LCD.Dec: display a decimal number
    LCD.Bin: display a binary number
    LCD.Str: display a string (sequence of characters

    please add or attach the code from your experiment that I can see the differences between the
    code in the book and what has to be changed to make it work with the serial LCD.

    There is a good chance that it is working simply by replacing the book-object with the FullDuplexSerialPlus-object.

    keep the questions coming
    best regards

  • jc3IIIjc3III Posts: 21
    edited 2011-07-22 04:29
    This is the program from the experiment and the OBJ it uses:
    Thank you for the information so far.
    {{Aug 31 09 Harprit Sandhu
    Propeller Tool Version 1.2.6
    Chapter 16 Prog 01


    This routine ready a 10K pot with a 10 mfd cap
    This routine is what is used in the utilities to read the pot
    Pot is always read from the same line

    _CLKMODE=XTAL1+ PLL2X 'The system clock spec
    _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 'Crystal spec
    PotLine = 19 'line the pot it on

    LCD : "LCDRoutines4" 'We will be using these METHODS in this program

    VAR 'these are the variables we will use.
    long startCnt 'count at start
    long endCount 'count at end
    long delay 'time difference
    long PotValue 'Value of the pot reading

    PUB Go
    LCD.INITIALIZE_LCD 'set up the LCD
    repeat 'loop
    dira[PotLine]~~ 'set potline as output
    outa[PotLine]~~ 'make it high so we can charge the capacitor
    waitcnt(4000+cnt) 'wait for the capacitor to get charged
    dira[PotLine]~ 'make potline an input. line switches H>L
    startCnt:=cnt 'read the counter at start of cycle and store
    repeat 'go into an endless loop
    while ina[PotLine]~~ 'keep doing it as long as the potline is high
    EndCount := cnt 'read the counter at end of cycle and store
    delay := ((EndCount-StartCnt)-1184) 'calculate time for line to go H>L
    if delay>630000 'max permitted delay
    delay:=630000 'clamp delay
    PotValue:=(delay/2220) 'This reduces the value to 0-255 or 1 byte
    PotValue <#=255 'clamp range
    PotValue #>=1 'clamp range
    LCD.POSITION (1,1) 'Go to 1st line 1st space
    LCD.PRINT(STRING("PotPos =")) 'Potentiometer position
    LCD.PRINT_DEC(PotValue) 'print value

    LCD.SPACE(3) 'erase over overflows
    LCD.POSITION (2,1) 'Go to 2nd line 1st space
    LCD.PRINT(STRING("Delay =")) 'Print
    LCD.PRINT_DEC(delay) 'print value

    LCD.SPACE(3) 'erase over overflows

    " Here is the program in it's OBJ."

    {{21 Sep 09 Harprit Sandhu
    Propeller Tool Ver 1.2.6
    Chapter 21 Program 10


    The following are the names of the methods described in this program
    INITIALIZE_LCD4 not yet working right.
    PRINT (the_line)

    04 Oct 09 Initialize made more robust, misc unnecessary calls removed.

    CON 'all the constants used by all the METHODS
    'in this program have to be listed here
    _CLKMODE=XTAL1+ PLL2X 'The system clock spec
    _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 '10 Mhz
    DataBit0 = 8 'Data uses 8 bits from here on
    DataBit1 = 9
    DataBit2 = 10
    DataBit3 = 11 'All these bits dont need to be named but
    DataBit4 = 12 'are named so that they can be called by
    DataBit5 = 13 'name if the need ever arises
    DataBit6 = 14
    DataBit7 = 15
    RegSelect = 16 'The three control lines
    ReadWrite = 17 '
    Enable = 18 '
    high =1 {define the High state}
    low =0 {define the Low state}

    VAR 'these are the variables we will use.
    byte temp 'for use as a pointer
    byte index 'to count characters

    PUB Go
    print(String("1234567890 L1"))
    print(String("On second line"))

    {{initialize the LCD to use 8 lines of data
    Includes a half second delay, clears the display and positons to 1,1
    no variables used
    PUB INITIALIZE_LCD 'The addressses and data used here are
    waitcnt(5_000_000+cnt) 'specified in the Hitachi data sheet
    SEND_INSTRUCTION (%0011_0000) 'Send 1
    waitcnt(49_200+cnt) 'wait
    SEND_INSTRUCTION (%0011_0000) 'Send 2
    waitcnt(1_200+cnt) 'wait
    SEND_INSTRUCTION (%0011_0000) 'Send 3
    waitcnt(12_000+cnt) 'wait
    SEND_INSTRUCTION (%0011_1000) 'Sets DL=8 bits, N=2 lines, F=5x7 font
    SEND_INSTRUCTION (%0000_1110) 'Display on, Blink on, Sq Cursor off

    SEND_INSTRUCTION (%0000_0110) 'Move Cursor, Do not shift display
    SEND_INSTRUCTION (%0000_0001) 'clears the LCD
    POSITION (1,1)

    {{Sends instructions as opposed to a character to the LCD
    no variables are used
    PUB SEND_INSTRUCTION (D_DATA) 'set up for writing instructions
    CHECK_BUSY 'wait for busy bit to clear b
    OUTA[ReadWrite] := 0 'Set up to read busy bit
    OUTA[RegSelect] := 0 'Set up to read busy bit
    OUTA[Enable] := 1 'Set up to toggle bit H>L
    OUTA[DataBit7..DataBit0] := D_DATA 'Ready to READ data in
    OUTA[Enable] := 0 'Toggle the bit H>L to xfer the data


    {{Sends a character to the LCD
    PUB SEND_CHAR (D_CHAR) 'set up for writing to the display
    CHECK_BUSY 'wait for busy bit to clear
    OUTA[ReadWrite] := 0 'Set up to read busy bit
    OUTA[RegSelect] := 1 'Set up to read busy bit
    OUTA[Enable] := 1 'Set up to toggle bit H>L
    OUTA[DataBit7..DataBit0] := D_CHAR 'Ready to SEND data in
    OUTA[Enable] := 0 'Toggle the bit H>L

    {{Print a line of characters to the LCD
    uses variables index and temp
    PUB PRINT (the_line) 'This routine handles more than one Char
    'called as PRINT(string("the_line"))
    '"the_line" contains the pointer to line.
    'because we have to point to the line
    'zero terminated but will not use that.
    'use the string size instead. Easier
    index:=0 'Reset the counter we are using
    repeat 'repeat for all chars in the list
    temp:= byte[the_line][index++]'temp contains the char pointed by index
    SEND_CHAR (temp) 'send the 'pointed to' char to the LCD
    while index<strsize(the_line) 'keep doing it till the last char is sent

    {{Position cursor
    'Horizontal Position : 1 to 16 'specified by the two numbers
    'Line Number : 1 or 2
    CHAR_LOCATION := (LINE_NUMBER-1) * 64 'figr loc. See Hitachi HD44780 data
    CHAR_LOCATION += (HOR_POSITION-1) + 128 'figr loc. See Hitachi HD44780 data
    SEND_INSTRUCTION (CHAR_LOCATION) 'send the instruction to position cursor

    {{Check for busy
    PUB CHECK_BUSY | BUSY_BIT 'routine to check busy bit
    OUTA[ReadWrite] := 1 'Set to read the busy bit
    OUTA[RegSelect] := 0 'Set to read the busy bit
    DIRA[DataBit7..DataBit0] := %0000_0000 'Set the entire port to be an input

    REPEAT 'Keep doing it till clear
    OUTA[Enable] := 1 'set to 1 to get ready to toggle H>L this bit
    BUSY_BIT := INA[DataBit7] 'the busybit is bit 7 of the byte read
    'INA is the 32 input pins on the PROP and we
    'are reading data bit 7 which is on pin 15!
    OUTA[Enable] := 0 'make the enable bit go low for H>L toggle
    WHILE (BUSY_BIT == 1) 'do it as long as the busy bit is 1
    DIRA[DataBit7..DataBit0] := %1111_1111 'set the data port back to outputs

    {{Print decimal
    PUB PRINT_DEC (VALUE) | TEST_VALUE'for printing values in decimal format
    IF (VALUE < 0) 'if it is a negative value
    -VALUE 'change it to a positive
    SEND_CHAR("-") 'and print a - sign on the LCD
    TEST_VALUE := 1_000_000_000 'we get individual digits by comp to this
    'value and then div by 10 to get the nxt val
    REPEAT 10 'There are 10 digits maximum in our system
    IF (VALUE => TEST_VALUE) 'see if our number is bigger than testValue
    SEND_CHAR(VALUE / TEST_VALUE + "0") 'if it is, divide to get the digit
    VALUE //= TEST_VALUE 'figure the next value for the next digit
    RESULT~~ 'result we can pass it on below
    ELSEIF (RESULT OR TEST_VALUE == 1) 'if the result was a 1 then div was even
    SEND_CHAR("0") 'so we sent out a zero
    TEST_VALUE /= 10 'we divide by 10 to test for the next digit


    {{Print Hex
    PUB PRINT_HEX (VALUE, DIGITS) 'for printing values in HEX format
    VALUE <<= (8 - DIGITS) << 2 'you can specify up to 8 digits or FFFFFFFF max
    REPEAT DIGITS 'do each digit
    SEND_CHAR(LOOKUPZ((VALUE <-= 4) & $F : "0".."9", "A".."F"))
    'use lookup table to select character

    {{Print Binary
    }} '
    PUB PRINT_BIN (VALUE, DIGITS) 'for printing values in BINARY format
    VALUE <<= 32 - DIGITS '32 binary digits is the max for our system
    REPEAT DIGITS 'Repeat for each digit desired
    SEND_CHAR((VALUE <-= 1) & 1 + "0") 'send a 1 or a 0

    {{Clear screen
    PUB CLEAR 'Clear the LCD display and go home
    SEND_INSTRUCTION (%0000_0001) 'This is the clear screen and go home command

    {{Go to position 1,1
    PUB HOME 'go to position 1,1.
    SEND_INSTRUCTION (%0000_0011) 'Not cleared

    {{Print spaces
    PUB SPACE (qty) 'Prints spaces, for between numbers
    repeat (qty)
    PRINT(STRING(" "))

  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2011-07-22 05:52
    HI jc3lll,

    to post code you should it do like that
    Paste your code between [ code ] and [ /code ] tags, and it will show up in the forum just the way you typed into your code editor.

    As you didn't you forced me to google for harprits code. If you just post it the indention gets lost. But indention of codelines is essential.

    The other way is to use the Go advanced button and use the button "#" wich will insert the [ code ] and [ /code ] tags for yo
    For more than 20 lines of code it is better to use the archive-function of the propeller-tool and the attachment-manager of the forum software.

    Now to get Harprits code running with your serial LCD you have to change the obj-filename from
      LCD : "LCDRoutines4"     'We will be using these METHODS in this program
      LCD           : "FullDuplexSerialPlus.spin"
    after that if you compile the compiler will complain about unknown identifiers because the methods in those two objects have different names.
    take a look at those codelines and try to identify which command of harprits LCD-object sends a string and which sends an integer value
    then look inside FullDuplexSerialPlus how the method for sending strings or decimal values is named
    replace the names. Please do a first OWN try on this. If it isn't successful come back posting in detail what you tried what the result was and a concrete question.

    In this way you are doing your homework which is expected you to do before the forum helps. You don't have to come far. It must just be readable that you tried at least
    something small on your own and then ask a concrete question.

    keep the questions coming
    best regards

  • jc3IIIjc3III Posts: 21
    edited 2011-07-22 12:59
    I will try and see what happens and let you know how it's going.
  • jc3IIIjc3III Posts: 21
    edited 2011-07-29 22:39
    Alright it worked, thanks
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