ChronoDot with the Prop?
I have a ChronoDot (DS3231) and am having trouble getting it to work with the Propeller. I have clock on 28, data on 29, pullups (10K) to 3.3 on both. I downloaded the DS1307_RTCEngine object and tried it with no luck. I also tried the i2cObject and it is not found. I tried both the default )xD0 and the ChronoDots 0x68. Is there something I'm missing? It works fine on an Arduino so I know the device is working.
I modfied Kye's object - It handles 12hr or 24hr mode.
I used 10k pullup resistors on the SDA/SCL pins.
You can strip out the code for the LCD...
EDIT: Revised code to remove debugging in DSRTC_driver.spin
In one demo program I was using pins 26 & 27 - don't recall why
_clockDataPin = 27 '29
_clockClockPin = 26 '28
OK, after trying everything I could think of I thought the problem might be my jumpers or the breadboard so I pulled out a propeller proto board I had with headers on it. I plugged it all together and, what do you know it worked (with $68 < 1) I went back and plugged my new jumpers into the breadboard after movung the propmodule to a different location and it still did not work so I think the module is hosed although it runs most other code just fine. I don't know what is wrong with it but might look at some of the other small prop modules to replace it.
Thanks for all the help and I now have three or four different clock programs to chose from.