power on the factory floor, how do I ? <-- just how do I pwr a chip and screen witho
just how do I pwr a chip and screen . I wonder how to power a prop and one or two low pwer attached devices such as an xbee.
Its important for numerous chips around the place to keep working or let it be known that power is failing so that batteries can be replaced.
I guess using a few 1.5V batteries is simplest and possibly a flashing LED to say battery power is low. How would you go about this, what type of warning etc.
Its important for numerous chips around the place to keep working or let it be known that power is failing so that batteries can be replaced.
I guess using a few 1.5V batteries is simplest and possibly a flashing LED to say battery power is low. How would you go about this, what type of warning etc.
The phone type screen would only be giving feedback a few seconds every 5 minutes. As would the chip.... so power needs R low.
MayB those components tuckinto a nice little jiffy box with an LED to go 'ON'(more power) when it gets low. Could have a second battery that only operates a buzzer when first power gets critical(that would be Annoying:)
Perhaps I can make a battery pack that slips in and out really easy that slips in and out, making battery power a Little more manageable.
Edit: Just not sure how to get power in many cases without running wires everywhere some distance.