RF interference/lesson learned
Some months ago several forum members tried to help me find out why my digital display would sometimes flicker. I found today that the culprit was that my ribbon cable between my prop and my display board was just too long. After I folded it up to about 6" the flicker went away. Makes me think a local AM station were disrupting communications. I've got the clock pulse for my MC14489 driver chip running at 8K. Comments about my software have been saved for reference when the next gremlin pops up. Thanks for your comments.
If you are using ribbon cable, a good way to deal with cross talk is to make every other conductor be ground.
Very good point. I'm using a 10 conductor cable. +5, Ground, Clock, Enable and Data in, and Data out (that I'm not using yet). That will work out perfectly. With the multiple ground trick I could also make them all twisted pairs. I've seen that in commercial equipment at work. Some of them even have a foil wrap over each pair. Come to think of it we have Belden cable spools that way. If the wire were the same awg I could just use the 10-core idc connectors as long as every wire was in the right fork before squeezing the handle and setting the retainer clip. Thanks for jogging my memory w.r.t. electromagnetic effects. Before serial hard drives came out we started seeing some of these tricks with the 40-core IDC cables that came with parallel drives.
Never heard that before, but it sounds like a great tip
Thanks Jack
Some times you can have an interference source that is just below nuisence level but becomes more enthusiastic when some combination of cable lenths becomes that magic 1/4 wavelenth. At Daventry TX station they used to drive the new Jaguar cars around the aerial field. They always used to cut out under the 17MHz arrays and required a tractor tow.
The trick of using every other wire a GND is all that the 80 way ATA ribbons do, instead of the older 40 way ones.
I thought that was the deal with 80 conductor IDE cables. They used to be 40 pin/40 conductor, then the fancier drives started shipping with 80 conductor cables. The connectors are the same as far as the IDE port on the mother board and dirve, but the cable ends themselves maek every other condouctor ground. Anybody know if this is the case or not?
Years ago I resorted to using a ribbon cable where each signal of twenty signals was carried by a twisted pair. That finally sorted my problems with driving a bus just a bit further than I should have been.