Looking for Serial adaptor to add to VFD / LCD displays
Don M
Posts: 1,653
I found this one: http://store.melabs.com/prod/parts/SLCDC.html
Anyone know of anything else like it or ideas? Needs to be asynchronous TTL serial (not I2C). I like the one on the back of the Parallax Serial LCD displays but don't know if they can be purchased separately.
Anyone know of anything else like it or ideas? Needs to be asynchronous TTL serial (not I2C). I like the one on the back of the Parallax Serial LCD displays but don't know if they can be purchased separately.
A popular board is the K107, based on the PIC program by P.H. Anderson:
Look for Professor Anderson's kits here:
Any VFD you use needs to be compatible with the HD44780, I'm pretty sure Noritake and Newhaven make some.