Attention: Speakers/Presenters for UPENE 2011

If you are planning to present your product/project at UPENE 2011, please consider the following:
You are NOT required to be a professional speaker. UPE events are a great way to get some experience with public speaking! We are a forgiving crowd, and we are excited to hear about your projects! Share your excitement with us.
If you have a power-point presentation, please have a copy of it on a flash drive which can be given to JohnR in advance of your presentation. We like to stream video and your presentation out onto the net for those who could not attend.
Be flexible! We'll establish speaking times the morning of the show. You'll have around 20 minutes, then five minutes to wrap up. Speaking times are ALWAYS tentative due to lunch, setup delays, and expo gremlins that always show up for the fun.
Most importantly! We are interested in projects more than products. Sure, bring your new wizbang Propeller product for sale, but don't just give us a sales pitch, do something really cool with it and show it off with a great demo. I promise, you'll sell more of them if we think we can replicate your cool project.
Clocks ticking! Sign-up at
You are NOT required to be a professional speaker. UPE events are a great way to get some experience with public speaking! We are a forgiving crowd, and we are excited to hear about your projects! Share your excitement with us.
If you have a power-point presentation, please have a copy of it on a flash drive which can be given to JohnR in advance of your presentation. We like to stream video and your presentation out onto the net for those who could not attend.
Be flexible! We'll establish speaking times the morning of the show. You'll have around 20 minutes, then five minutes to wrap up. Speaking times are ALWAYS tentative due to lunch, setup delays, and expo gremlins that always show up for the fun.
Most importantly! We are interested in projects more than products. Sure, bring your new wizbang Propeller product for sale, but don't just give us a sales pitch, do something really cool with it and show it off with a great demo. I promise, you'll sell more of them if we think we can replicate your cool project.
Clocks ticking! Sign-up at
I haven't signed up yet, but plan on being there. The last word from Chip was that he is planning on being there as well ...So I would imagine Chip and I will 'tag-team' in a similar way that we did at the previous two EXPO's.