can quickstart board power 3.3v gps?
Hi, should the Quickstart Board be able to supply a 3.3v GPS pulling about 93mA ?
measuring pin 39 and 38 on J1 gives me 3.3v no problems
I have connected the GPS GND to pin 39 of J1 and the 3.3v of the GPS to pin 38 of J1, but as soon as the unit is connected the quickstart shuts down ( EEPROM has sample code that flashes LED's and the LED's stop flashing when gps is connected ) and when i unplug the GPS the sample code starts up again.
My quickstart is powered by the PC USB.
I have a USB TTL convertor that powers the gps fine so the PC USB has enough power.
measuring pin 39 and 38 on J1 gives me 3.3v no problems
I have connected the GPS GND to pin 39 of J1 and the 3.3v of the GPS to pin 38 of J1, but as soon as the unit is connected the quickstart shuts down ( EEPROM has sample code that flashes LED's and the LED's stop flashing when gps is connected ) and when i unplug the GPS the sample code starts up again.
My quickstart is powered by the PC USB.
I have a USB TTL convertor that powers the gps fine so the PC USB has enough power.
I gather the GPS is brownouting the quickstart on startup hence the external power source idea seperate from the quickstart.
Without connecting the GND strange things can happen.
If the circuit draws high currents (more than 1A) you have to take care where to connect the two GNDs together, because of the voltagedrop
caused by high currents.
With 100 mA this doesn't matter.
keep the questions coming
best regards
You could add your own 3.3V regulator to power the GPS off of the 5V USB power...
Or, maybe that GPS really draws more than 93 mA at startup...
You can program the FTDI chip using the MPROG.exe utility. I used to always use it to allow 500mA. But, after a long time, I found that the default setting of 100 mA worked even when drawing 400 mA.
The PC could also shut down power, but I've only seen that when drawing a lot more that 500mA.
Actually, now that I think about it.... What is your USB cable connected to Dwayne?
If it's going to a non-powered USB hub, that would explain your problem.
You definitely need a powered USB hub, or a direct PC connection.
Can i feed an external power source in via J1 as well as having the USB connected ( for easy access to terminal ) ?
sorry about that
now onto some programming
BTW: The FTDI chip tells the PC how much current it needs during connection and then the PC tells the FTDI chip it's OK to turn power on. But, I've never seen a PC that actually enforced the requested current limit. That's why I don't bother reprogramming the FTDI chip anymore....