It works OK, what I notice is that 3D items (not complete flat like a dollar bill etc)
it's hard to get all parts in focus due to different distance to lens.
We have them here in Taiwan. I have considered one as handy - more for capturing images for posting than for actual work in progress. The focus issue is about the depth of field of lens.
Theoretically you will increase the depth of field by placing a smaller aperture (hole) in front of the lens but you need to put more light onto the object to make up for the decreased light transmission through the smaller aperture. Whether this can be done practically with this set up is the challenge! Everything is a trade-off.
Depth of field becomes a BIG issue with SMALL things and high magnification optics.
It works OK, what I notice is that 3D items (not complete flat like a dollar bill etc)
it's hard to get all parts in focus due to different distance to lens.
The optical and mechanical quality is surprisingly good.
Depth of field becomes a BIG issue with SMALL things and high magnification optics.