Google + Invites.

I've been testing this service, and it's just great. They have a "hangout" function where multiple people can interact with multiple video feeds, audio, text chat, etc... I'm kind of itching to try this stuff out with the electronics, having already done it for casual things. Lots of fun. Easy.
Anybody interested in joining me on the service? After you've signed up, you can start adding people to your personal circles, and they will get e-mail updates, or google + updates, depending on their service status.
Send e-mails to and I'll return those with invites to the service. Google plus has "circles", which are groups. I'm creating a Parallax and or Propeller circle, and would love to see you part of that, posting up your projects, and such just like I'm going to start doing.
Let me know. You can also just send me a PM here on the forum, and exchange your e-mail address privately that way, if you wish.
Anybody interested in joining me on the service? After you've signed up, you can start adding people to your personal circles, and they will get e-mail updates, or google + updates, depending on their service status.
Send e-mails to and I'll return those with invites to the service. Google plus has "circles", which are groups. I'm creating a Parallax and or Propeller circle, and would love to see you part of that, posting up your projects, and such just like I'm going to start doing.
Let me know. You can also just send me a PM here on the forum, and exchange your e-mail address privately that way, if you wish.
I'll also be happy to send invites if Doug runs out., subject "Invite another Propellerhead!"
I'll add you to my "Propeller" circle!
BTW: There is absolutely no obligation to connect to the person who gives the invite.
If it were possible to just sign up, I would have linked that. Gmail was the same way at first.
What I did is make a "Propeller" circle, and I'm adding known prop users to it. When one of those users shares something, I'll see it, and if I share something, those Prop users will see it.
Other things are possible too, like sparks and hangouts. Will have to try those when we get some folks running. OBC is doing a similar thing.
I guess they don't want shady characters abusing the live chat functions. Maybe they will have a filter for that when they officially release it and it will let me in.
It seems very strange that they would make a social networking site not accessible by teens, considering they would be the ones to use it most. :-(
Can you, ahem... create another account?? I've not seen any adult content on the thing. But, you know it's probably legal somewhere that forces that.
I'm still going to continue networking on it. When it leaves the test period, I'll bet they lift that restriction. Of all the teens I could see using the thing, you are probably one of the better prospects, actually doing something material with it.
Trust me when I say this forum currently has *NO* replacement. I'm stuck with the social networking services professionally. Somebody drank the kool-aid, and so... might as well make the thing useful, and to me, that means Propeller. (don't tell 'em that though, keep that here, among friends)
Frankly, I plan on linking the forum with my stream, showing videos, photos and such.
I assume you guys get notified when I do this. Is this the case?
You can add people to your circles too, whether or not they are actually G+ users. they get a e-mail distribution with links to whatever was shared or said, so it's possible to use it to communicate with people, either way.