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Are you living in the future? — Parallax Forums

Are you living in the future?

HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
edited 2011-07-20 13:34 in General Discussion
If one lives long enough, it begins to seem as if we have made it to the future. If we can undergo serious life extension, is this form of time the best way to travel into the future? Obviously this is a short range future, or is it?

Depending on perspective, a decade can be a spectacular journey into future development of science and technology. If you can live and hold on to precious life for just ten years, and as science continues to make discoveries and advance more rapidly and considering that knowledge in some fields doubles every two years, and that great advances are made every two months, even short range time can be empowering future travel.

Can we get to the future now? Perhaps you move to a larger more futuristic city with 28 million people and vast megastructures and new technology you've never experienced amidst the tall rising buildings that vanish in the clouds. Now you have instantly gained future!

What other perspectives can you share about future?


  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2011-07-17 15:09
    Humanoido wrote: »

    What other perspectives can you share about future?

    "We went to the New York World's Fair, saw what the past had been like, according to the Ford Motor Car Company and Walt Disney, saw what the future would be like, according to General Motors. And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep."

    - Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five, Chapter 1
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2011-07-17 15:22
    No, but Heater's living in the past. :)

    Sometimes I wish "General Discussion" wasn't so general. I like to talk about electronics, Propellers, SX's and Basic Stamps.

    Oh, that's right...there' s a "chatter" flag. Maybe that needs to be added to this thread.
  • MicrocontrolledMicrocontrolled Posts: 2,461
    edited 2011-07-17 16:59
    This is an interesting topic for this forum, considering how most of the members here wished progress stopped with the Apple ][.
  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2011-07-17 17:40
    Some members on here are actively trying to bring the future to the present! All technology originally starts out as a fanciful imagining by someone with some level of creativity, and either they themselves have the resources to bring that vision into reality, or they have the ability to inspire others to do it in some similar form.

    The future is very different in vision for everyone. While for some, it might be a mega-metropolis with robotic cars that which us in complete automated safety and efficiency to our destinations where we bask in controlled environments of near perfect comfort year round, for others it's a vision of humans living in harmony with nature and VERY close to it, yet just out of sight is a vast technological infrastructure that supports us - and all life on the planet - with astounding medical capabilities, completely clean and virtually limitless power, and the ability to materialize nearly any "thing" we could need, eliminating hunger, poverty. And yet we humans will still be able to choose to live as we wish, some spending life engrossed in technology, others still, to use a phrase, chopping wood and carrying water. Not as a matter of necessity, but out of a choice to do what makes one feel most alive, most at peace with their inner predilections and interests.

    Relatively young, (I was born in the early 1960s), my introduction to the future was the Star Trek series. Now, I use - and create - technology every day that was inspired by that initial vision (and now far exceeds much of it), and as I have matured, so has my vision of what that kind of future would mean. It is an inspiring vision of hope for a planet that no longer is ruled and unbalanced by our most ignorant fears and prejudices.

    The only thing that saddens me about it is how tantalizingly close it could be - it's just a choice away for so many, but ignorance, fear, and simple habit of inertia over generations keeps that choice hidden to so many.

    We are indeed on the threshold of some amazing breakthroughs. Extraordinarily extended lifespans? Research Telomeres, Telomerase, Telomerase Activators and a small molecule isolated from the root of the astragalus plant called Cycloastraganol. We could be living well past 100, and in very robust, vigorous health and vitality that whole time.

    If I've learned one thing on this planet, it's that if humans can imagine something, it's possible. It has been said before, by much smarter folks than I, that the stuff of the universe is much more like thought, than it is stuff. Perhaps we are all participating in dreaming our collective future.

    Pleasant Dreams,

  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2011-07-17 18:16
    Back in the late 1980's David Brin wrote a novel called Earth which was, at that time, set 50 years in the future, and he wrote a long afterward about this. He said this is the most dangerous kind of SF to write, because as he said in 1980 there were people alive who had been born before there was widespread electric distribution, heavier than air flight, and cars, and the people who were born had seen the world change incrementally over the fullness of years to put jetliners in the air, men on the Moon, and wonders like computers that couldn't even be imagined in 1900. And to the people who lived through that, it all seemed perfectly natural, just one thing leading to another. But anybody working in 1900 to envision the world of 1988 would, we confidently know because we have their output, be in many ways hopelessly and laughably wrong.

    As I told Cameron Reilly when he interviewed me, from a certain distance in the past if you look at our current situation, the Singularity has already happened. We just don't appreciate it because we don't remember that world without ubiquitous electricity or where you couldn't travel from New Orleans LA to Jackson MS in a couple of hours, making a service call there a day trip. Whatever amazing stuff happens in the future, when we try to see it from here we will be bound by the same limitations as that person from 1900 trying to see 1980 or 2011 through the lens of their 1900 knowledge. At that point there was a suspicion of the power of the atom, and they might not be too surprised by atomic bombs, but who from that era would have written the story of an atomic power facility overtaken by an earthquake and tsunami and creating a contamination nightmare? Worse, who would have thought that after the achievements of the Apollo program political pragmatism would put the brakes on space exploration so that no capability to return to the Moon would exist for 40+ years? And who would guess that remotely controlled robots could get so capable that you could send unmanned probes to places like Mars and Saturn to get better results cheaper than you could with a manned visit?

    We are living in the future, just not our own future. When those who follow us (possibly ourselves if they get this life extension thing sorted out in time) look back they will see us with the same quaint insufferable nostalgia that we feel when we look at antique spark-gap radio plans and internal combustion engines which used an open flame instead of a spark plug. How ignorant they will think we are, how much we were missing that is undoubtably right in front of our faces.

    But their descendants will think the same of them :-)
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-07-17 18:32
    Quite simply, yes!

    I see lots of futuristic things, from my born in the late 60's perspective. Don't see as many of them as I would like, but they are there. To me, the real bummer is not living long enough to see the real structural changes that will occur. Sometimes those happen quickly. To those near death now, or who recently died, they saw some really big deal advances in the basics, along with gadget type advances. It's more static now, IMHO. We get gadgets, but the core infrastructure doesn't seem as remarkable, in terms of change, as it has been in the past.

    Still, I think we live in very interesting times, and I'm happy for it.

    We've got portable communicators, ion drives (often cited in SF books early on), incredible displays, computers, great radios (well, in some respects great, in others, more crappy today, compared to older designs, but I digress), and materials science is just huge right now too.

    Electro-mechanical is just killer. We are dang good at it now. Bio-tech is just starting to take off, with who knows what results. Very interesting, like computers were interesting many years ago. Hope I get to see and potentially benefit from a little of that.

    Re: Near term, speculative SF. Yeah. Difficult and risky. I really enjoy those when well done, almost as much as I do longer term SF.
  • Kirk FraserKirk Fraser Posts: 364
    edited 2011-07-17 22:19
    I'm living in the future in some ways and preparing in other ways. The only part I have now is my own one-man R&D firm paid for by a rental. Not much income but lots of R&D on Robots, the Bible, and Artificial Intelligence plus a little experience hiring overseas programmers and writing.

    The best future isn't technical, it's spiritual - developing faith in Jesus Christ to perform miracles. Why build a spaceship or other transportation when you can have spiritual transmission? Why build a hospital when you can be healed by miracle? Why build an agricultural infrastructure when you can turn a kid's lunch into a feast for thousands or water into wine? Until then my most worthy Bible discovery is written at

    Also until then, I'm preparing technically for robots to do all manual labor enabling everyone to live as retired so they can work on spiritual growth. I'm developing ideas for surviving earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, and other disasters with robot help and survival shelters with self-sustaining food supplies. I'm also working on software that will I hope, enable reprograming the culture by creating new and better Christian scripts for movies and TV.

    Part of my preparation for the future was writing which among other things advises Congress to start preparing for the asteroid disaster which will wipe out 1/3 of the ships at sea and damage 1/3 of the earth according to Revelation 8. Unfortunately I have yet to learn of anyone in Washington DC reading it, as one might expect with politicians no one can trust.

    Someday some or all of these ideas will get accomplished but only God knows if I'll see it.
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2011-07-17 22:50
    ...Why build a hospital when you can be healed by miracle?....

    My insurance doesn't cover miracles. It will, however, pay for a CAT scan or an MRI.
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2011-07-17 23:48
    I'm living in the future in some ways and preparing in other ways. The only part I have now is my own one-man R&D firm paid for by a rental. Not much income but lots of R&D on Robots, the Bible, and Artificial Intelligence plus a little experience hiring overseas programmers and writing.

    The best future isn't technical, it's spiritual - developing faith in Jesus Christ to perform miracles. Why build a spaceship or other transportation when you can have spiritual transmission? Why build a hospital when you can be healed by miracle? Why build an agricultural infrastructure when you can turn a kid's lunch into a feast for thousands or water into wine? Until then my most worthy Bible discovery is written at

    Also until then, I'm preparing technically for robots to do all manual labor enabling everyone to live as retired so they can work on spiritual growth. I'm developing ideas for surviving earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, and other disasters with robot help and survival shelters with self-sustaining food supplies. I'm also working on software that will I hope, enable reprograming the culture by creating new and better Christian scripts for movies and TV.

    Part of my preparation for the future was writing which among other things advises Congress to start preparing for the asteroid disaster which will wipe out 1/3 of the ships at sea and damage 1/3 of the earth according to Revelation 8. Unfortunately I have yet to learn of anyone in Washington DC reading it, as one might expect with politicians no one can trust.

    Someday some or all of these ideas will get accomplished but only God knows if I'll see it.

    Kirk, please, give me a break. While I agree there is a lot of moral wisdom in the bible the only religious pronouncement that I have seen to have any validity is that " god helps those who help themselves". This is a technical forum, not a forum for religious proselytizing. Stick to the technical aspects.
  • Kirk FraserKirk Fraser Posts: 364
    edited 2011-07-18 01:01
    xanatos wrote: »
    Some members on here are actively trying to bring the future to the present! All technology originally starts out as a fanciful imagining by someone with some level of creativity, and either they themselves have the resources to bring that vision into reality, or they have the ability to inspire others to do it in some similar form.

    The future is very different in vision for everyone.
    localroger wrote: »
    We are living in the future, just not our own future. When those who follow us (possibly ourselves if they get this life extension thing sorted out in time) look back they will see us with the same quaint insufferable nostalgia that we feel when we look at antique spark-gap radio plans and internal combustion engines which used an open flame instead of a spark plug.
    potatohead wrote: »
    I see lots of futuristic things, from my born in the late 60's perspective. Don't see as many of them as I would like, but they are there. To me, the real bummer is not living long enough to see the real structural changes that will occur.
    The best future isn't technical, it's spiritual - developing faith in Jesus Christ to perform miracles. Why build a spaceship or other transportation when you can have spiritual transmission? Why build a hospital when you can be healed by miracle? Why build an agricultural infrastructure when you can turn a kid's lunch into a feast for thousands or water into wine? Until then my most worthy Bible discovery is written at

    Some of us live in the future. Others want to make us live here now. Thank God we're in a free country which was the future a few hundred years ago.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2011-07-18 03:59
    Living in Asia for 17 or so years is somewhat as if I am living in the future. But paradoxically it may seem to some of you that it is living in the past.

    Asians are still tied to their roots. Things like rice paddies and village life are revered. So even in a big Asian city, people can find a niche of humble village-like living. Outsiders may not recognize it, but once you have been accepted as being part of the local life, it all seems very village-like.

    On the flip side is the aggressive idealization of the future by Western culture. I am rereading some of the great 'anti-utopian' novels. "1984" by George Orwell and "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. They seem to promote some of the futuristic trends in tyranny that we really could do without. In some ways, I fear that Western culture is too invested in making the future better rather than holding on to some of the best, more friendly aspects of the past.

    Whatever people do, it seems some form of mutual respect has to be in play for anything to succeed well. Do we really need to hang on to the future or the past? How about just making the best possible now and seeing unfolds?
  • MicrocontrolledMicrocontrolled Posts: 2,461
    edited 2011-07-18 05:40
    Non-technical standpoint: I believe that eventually humans will cap off what they can learn and create. The optimistic outlooks discussed here are nice but wrong. World peace is simply not possible. Preventing national disasters would be outsmarting God himself. Curing every disease is not entirely impossible but not likely either. You can't have peace as long as you have humans, as a human's natural inclination is to do the wrong thing, and there will always be those who disagree with the law. Preventing national disasters is impossible, but designing technology to warn people before hand to allow them to evacuate is.
    I don't know how soon it will be before we cap off what we create, but I don't think its that far off.
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2011-07-18 11:04
    I don't know how soon it will be before we cap off what we create, but I don't think its that far off.

    Somewhere way back in the dim dusty corners of my (genetic?) memory, I seem to recall someone else saying exactly the same thing.

  • MicrocontrolledMicrocontrolled Posts: 2,461
    edited 2011-07-18 12:11
    @EA: By "not that far" I meant several thousand years.
  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2011-07-18 12:12
    Im from the future!
  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2011-07-18 13:33
    Simply put, it is impossible to live in the future as it becomes the present when we are able to experience it. Even though spacetime can be warped, it cannot be folded upon itself so that different points in the space-time continuum exist together. However, from a phraseology perspective, "living in the future", denotes someone with a status of thinking that is so advanced for the current frame of time, that the general populous would not develop the same idea until sometime in the future. In that case, there are a few people that I know of that are "living in the future".

    This presents a similar challenge as the "what happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object" conundrum. The question isn't a valid question because the two cannot exist in the same universe. To state that something has a force so great that it is unstoppable, must mean that no immovable objects exist in that universe and the same is true for the opposite.

    edit: relative to my original post, this edit was done in the future however......
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2011-07-18 15:03
    Not only can't we live in the future, we can't even live in the present.

    Remember reading the sentence above? That was in the past. This is past too.

    The present is just a future memory.

  • bomberbomber Posts: 297
    edited 2011-07-18 17:20
    Please define "future".
  • Kirk FraserKirk Fraser Posts: 364
    edited 2011-07-18 17:20
    Watching a tour of BMW's design department, it became obvious there are two kinds of engineering. Engineering for the future and Edsel engineering. Success requires forward thinking and integration with what others are building for the future, otherwise you get retro styling and rewards accordingly. Successful companies know this.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-18 23:20
    Future Modification

    by B: Live for the future because the future has a way of multiplying what you have done. For instance, when you plant a seed in the ground, it brings about a huge tree or plant. That tiny little seed can now feed your family for months. It only took you one day to plant it. Now in the same sense what you do today in one day will multiply in the future to feed you for months. Whether it be emotional things, relationships, money.
  • Kirk FraserKirk Fraser Posts: 364
    edited 2011-07-19 11:52
    Indeed. And you have to sow to multiple futures because there may be weeds, rocks, and other difficulties hindering the bearing of fruit in a desired future. Example: today you may love rice so much you would pay a drop of blood for each grain of rice, then you may acquire Diabetes so rice becomes one of many poisons (carbs) so you must give your rice to others and eat meat. So you should also get some sources of meat and reproduce them. Maybe your emotions will someday fail to satisfy like rice. So you need to sow some spiritual seeds to harvest too. Likewise in all other areas of technology and life.

    If you live for now, then everything is already ok for you because you are alive and you need do nothing at all. Therefore nearly all thoughts should be future thoughts but wisely, learning from history to help only pursue the best.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-19 13:59
    Indeed. And you have to sow to multiple futures because there may be weeds, rocks, and other difficulties hindering the bearing of fruit in a desired future.
    I think we want to generate as many positive future time lines as possible. It's similar to the reason why in the university we select two majors and two minors for future diversity. We cannot exactly predict the future however we can make efforts to jump start it in favorable ways.
  • skylightskylight Posts: 1,915
    edited 2011-07-20 11:31
    jdolecki wrote: »
    Im from the future!
    In that case would you be so kind to give me the numbers for next fridays Euromillions lottery TA! :smile:
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-07-20 13:34
    xanatos wrote: »
    Some members on here are actively trying to bring the future to the present! All technology originally starts out as a fanciful imagining by someone with some level of creativity, and either they themselves have the resources to bring that vision into reality, or they have the ability to inspire others to do it in some similar form.

    The future is very different in vision for everyone. While for some, it might be a mega-metropolis with robotic cars that which us in complete automated safety and efficiency to our destinations where we bask in controlled environments of near perfect comfort year round, for others it's a vision of humans living in harmony with nature and VERY close to it, yet just out of sight is a vast technological infrastructure that supports us - and all life on the planet - with astounding medical capabilities, completely clean and virtually limitless power, and the ability to materialize nearly any "thing" we could need, eliminating hunger, poverty. And yet we humans will still be able to choose to live as we wish, some spending life engrossed in technology, others still, to use a phrase, chopping wood and carrying water. Not as a matter of necessity, but out of a choice to do what makes one feel most alive, most at peace with their inner predilections and interests.

    Relatively young, (I was born in the early 1960s), my introduction to the future was the Star Trek series. Now, I use - and create - technology every day that was inspired by that initial vision (and now far exceeds much of it), and as I have matured, so has my vision of what that kind of future would mean. It is an inspiring vision of hope for a planet that no longer is ruled and unbalanced by our most ignorant fears and prejudices.

    The only thing that saddens me about it is how tantalizingly close it could be - it's just a choice away for so many, but ignorance, fear, and simple habit of inertia over generations keeps that choice hidden to so many.

    We are indeed on the threshold of some amazing breakthroughs. Extraordinarily extended lifespans? Research Telomeres, Telomerase, Telomerase Activators and a small molecule isolated from the root of the astragalus plant called Cycloastraganol. We could be living well past 100, and in very robust, vigorous health and vitality that whole time.

    If I've learned one thing on this planet, it's that if humans can imagine something, it's possible. It has been said before, by much smarter folks than I, that the stuff of the universe is much more like thought, than it is stuff. Perhaps we are all participating in dreaming our collective future.

    Pleasant Dreams,

    Dave, I totally agree with your view and wish to strongly emphasize the following good words:
    "Live long and prosper!"
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