Searching for 8x8 Tiled Graphics Drivers
Does anyone know any drivers for 8x8 tiled graphics or where I can find some? I searched in OBEX, but I did not find any that I could use. I also searched the Propeller Wiki but many of the links provided were broken.
Does anyone know any drivers for 8x8 tiled graphics or where I can find some? I searched in OBEX, but I did not find any that I could use. I also searched the Propeller Wiki but many of the links provided were broken.
Thanks, that resource page will be of help to me in other ways, but unless I overlooked something, I did not see any 8x8 tile drivers there; only 4x8.
There are actually a few 8x8 tiled graphics drivers, depending on what you are after. Are you looking for a VGA based driver, or an NTSC/PAL driver? Are you looking for a particular resolution, or specific features (such as sprites)? Just trying to narrow down what you are looking for exactly.
There are a lot of broken links, and finding the source for some of them is now much harder than it used to be.
Sounds like you are looking for the driver used in the Dodgey Kong game. It was an NTSC driver that was capable of sprites, and I believe it was at that resolution.
Also, ericball had another 8x8 tile driver that might work for what it sounds like you are after.
Hopefully one (or both) of those is what you are after. If neither work, then someone else might remember another driver that could work.